The Perfect Vagina


To the brain, getting burned, getting dumped feel the same

Science has finally confirmed what anyone who’s ever been in love already knows: Heartbreak really does hurt.

In a new study using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers have found that the same brain networks that are activated when you’re burned by hot coffee also light up when you think about a lover who has spurned you.

In other words, the brain doesn’t appear to firmly distinguish between physical pain and intense emotional pain. Heartache and painful breakups are “more than just metaphors,” says Ethan Kross, Ph.D., the lead researcher and an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor.

The study, which was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, illuminates the role that feelings of rejection and other emotional trauma can play in the development of chronic pain disorders such as fibromyalgia, Kross says. And, he adds, it raises interesting questions about whether treating physical pain can help to relieve emotional pain, and vice versa.


Christian Domestic Discipline


Is your wife acting insolent? Disobeying you ? Perhaps a good spanking (aka Christian Domestic Discipline) can help.

What Women Find Physically Attractive in Men

“Overall, body attractiveness was a better predictor of self-reported mating success than facial attractiveness. In line with our main hypothesis, we found a positive relationship between a composite measure of men’s physical fitness (PF) and men’s body attractiveness. This was obtained not only for aggregated attractiveness ratings but also for all 27 female raters individually. This finding is remarkable because individual attractiveness judgments reflect a strong idiosyncratic component, at least for faces. Attractiveness judgments were made fast and effortless. The strength of the attractiveness-fitness relation- ship obtained here suggests that signalling physical fitness may be one of the key functions of male attractiveness.”


Women’s Funding Network sex trafficking study is junk science

None of the media that published Richardson’s astonishing numbers bothered to examine the study at the heart of Richardson’s claim. If they had, they would have found what we did after asking independent experts to examine the research: It’s junk science.


Vicky, Christina, Barcelona – We’ll make love scene


Man, Javier Bardem exudes charisma.

The Eligible Bachelor Paradox – Why Weak Bidders Win

Where have all the most appealing men gone? Married young, most of them—and sometimes to women whose most salient characteristic was not their beauty, or passion, or intellect, but their decisiveness.


Check out the rest of the post — lot’s of interesting stuff.

Aspire to be beautiful

And then there are the guys who have seen or visited the women of places like Russia and/or Brazil. Guys always talk about how beautiful the women are and how almost all of them are perfect 10s. How does this tie together? Think about it for a moment. Most men say that all of the women in Russia and Brazil are beautiful, yet these are the very same men that say or believe that they will never be physically attractive to women because they are too short, the wrong race, their face isn’t up to par, or they’re too skinny.

I have a question for said men. Why are almost all of the women in Brazil and Russia beautiful? Is it because they somehow imported a perfect gene pool? Anyone with half a brain knows that this isn’t the case. Then why are most of the women of Brazil and Russia beautiful? It’s because they aspire to be beautiful. That and they put a lot of pressure on themselves to be beautiful (I remember seeing a woman from a poor neighborhood in Brazil somehow finding a way to get some kind of discount plastic surgery).

The vast majority of those women weren’t given perfect genes, and if you pay attention, you will see that these women vary. Some have better-looking faces than others, some are short while others are tall, some are skinny while others are curvier, and some are blondes while others are brunettes. All of that diversity, yet men wholeheartedly agree that the women of Brazil and Russia are among the most beautiful in the world.

How does this relate to you? I believe that when a guy complains about being too short, being the wrong race, or not having the perfect face, he is just looking for an out. He is looking for a way out of hitting the gym, he is looking for a way out of buying costly nice clothes, he is looking for a way out of paying for expensive skin products, he is looking for a way out of paying for costly dietary supplements, and he is looking for a way out of getting his weight down. Overall, he is just being cheap and lazy, and looking for any excuse not to improve his appearances.


Don’t touch me, I’m British

Applying Carroll’s theories to Britons, you understand why foreigners think we are repressed. Americans won’t touch strangers, the French won’t talk to them, but Brits will neither touch nor talk to them. Passport to the Pub, a semi-official guide for foreign tourists to the UK, warns: “Don’t ever introduce yourself. The ‘Hi, I’m Chuck from Alabama’ approach does not go down well in British pubs.”

Nor are Britons permitted to make eye contact: the former French prime minister Edith Cresson, disconcerted that British men didn’t look at her, estimated that one in four was homosexual. No wonder Britons drink ever-increasing amounts of alcohol. Alcohol was first distilled so that British people could reproduce.


She Don’t Like Firefly


A man’s got to have standards.