Sunday, May 13th, 2007...3:23 am

links for 2007-05-13

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  • This is a unique site, the first of its kind: a finance, business and money matters site written by Muslims for Muslims.
    (tags: money blogs)
  • “Your level of optimism and quality of relationships impact your level of happiness more than your job does.” What this means is that asking a job to solve our unhappiness problems is asking too much of a job.
    (tags: work happiness selfhelp)
  • oDesk Team
    (tags: odesk)
  • Lots of useful stuff here
    (tags: freelance)
  • A blisteringly fast data downlink provided by a stratospheric balloon floating 24,000 metres above the Earth has been tested for the first time.

    (tags: wireless internet)
  • A company that someday hopes to build the first space elevator says it is testing a system that could take it to a lower-altitude goal along the way: balloon-based wireless data services.
    (tags: wireless balloons space_elevators)

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