February 9: National Bankruptcy Day for Handmade Toy Makers

Mark your calendars! Another example of the nanny state run amok:

….[Due to the lead paint scandal, Congress] passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) in August, 2008. Among other things, the CPSIA bans lead and phthalates in toys, mandates third-party testing and certification for all toys and requires toy makers to permanently label each toy with a date and batch number.

All of these changes will be fairly easy for large, multinational toy manufacturers to comply with. Large manufacturers who make thousands of units of each toy have very little incremental cost to pay for testing and update their molds to include batch labels.

For small American, Canadian, and European toymakers, however, the costs of mandatory testing will likely drive them out of business.

* A toymaker, for example, who makes wooden cars in his garage in Maine to supplement his income cannot afford the $4,000 fee per toy that testing labs are charging to assure compliance with the CPSIA.
* A work at home mom in Minnesota who makes dolls to sell at craft fairs must choose either to violate the law or cease operations.
* A small toy retailer in Vermont who imports wooden toys from Europe, which has long had stringent toy safety standards, must now pay for testing on every toy they import.
* And even the handful of larger toy makers who still employ workers in the United States face increased costs to comply with the CPSIA, even though American-made toys had nothing to do with the toy safety problems of 2007.

Ignore the anti-foreign jingoism, as their proposed changes to the law seem reasonable.

Via flutterby. More info at the National Bankruptcy Day alliance.

Seasteading idea

Build a space frame with bamboo. Then attach interlocking concrete-foam-concrete SIP panels to space frame. Coat exerior with rubber membrane. The resulting structure should be waterproof, lightweight, and demountable. Would it be strong enough? Not sure.

I really need a copy of SolidWorks. Also, a Wacom tablet.

Bamboo tinker toys would rock too. A toy version of this:

McGroovy’s box rivets

How to build play structures out of cardboard boxes and box rivets with McGroovy’s box rivets.


Dr. Frog – audible plant water alarm

My friends Carly and Doug announced tonight that Carly was pregnant. Yay! Carly expressed some doubt about her parenting ability “I can’t even keep our plants alive…” To which I replied, “Well, if your plants could scream and cry like a baby, I’m sure you wouldn’t have much trouble keeping them alive.”

Of course, the product already exists:


Indoor house plant care is easier when Dr. Frog(TM) tells you when plants are thirsty. Proper moisture keeps indoor plants healthy. With If Doctor Frog(TM) in the house, you’ll know when to water. Insert Dr. Frog(TM) moisture sensor probes into the soil. Doctor Frog(TM) checks the health of your potted plants by checking the moisture level. This croaking frog alerts you when to water your plants. No more guess work. No more over watering plants. No more dirty fingers from checking soil moisture with your finger.