Inflatable bulletman suit?
Is anyone aware of a maker of an inflatable Bulletman suit?
The first rule of Fight Club is…
…never bungee a Thai pad to your groin.
The Proper Mindset for Combat
Via Mark D.
The Proper Mindset for Combat
Greetings Everyone,
When you are engaged in mortal combat, the mindset you adopt is the most
important element to your survival. Understand, that the mind controls the
body and that will supercedes skill. I bring this up because a prevalent
problem I see with many self-defense practitioners is that there is no
emotional content in their training. the majority of people are interested
in accumulating techniques and executing them by rote like robots. You can
have all the best techniques in the world; however, they will do you no good
if they are not backed with emotional commitment and pure savagery. It is
akin to having a gun with rubber bullets.
When I used to teach self-defense, I would tell my students about Arthur
Shawcross, the serial killer known as “The Monster of the Rivers.” I would
show them a picture of this scumbag and read a small excerpt of a letter he
wrote which in part stated, “I have been a god unto myself, I’ve been the
judge, the jury, and the executioner. I, dear people, have murdered,
butchered, and totally destroyed 53 human beings in my lifetime. I am like a
predator, able to hunt, able to wantonly destroy at any given time or
moment.” I would then graphically describe what he would do to his victims.
Subsequently, I’d ask them; how many of you could defend yourself against a
man like this? One, sometimes two, would raise their hands. The majority
would just keep their hands down and remain silent.