101 Reasons to vote for Ron Paul1

  1. He voted against the Iraq war resolution.
  2. He voted against the Patriot act.
  3. He voted against the Military Commissions Act.
  4. He wants to abolish the IRS.
  5. He’s supports your right to own gold and other commodity based currencies, free of punitive taxes.
  6. He believes that the government live within its means, and not spend more than it takes in via taxes.
  7. He’s against inflating the money supply to pay for the programs (such as the war in Iraq) that Americans are not willing to fund with taxes.
  8. He supports phasing out Social Security, by letting young people opt out, while continuing to fund those people who have become dependent on the income.
  9. He’s supports allowing you to buy your medicine online, without a subscription.
  10. He supports the legalization of marijuana.
  11. He supports the legalization of all drugs actually.
  12. He supports your right to defend yourself with a firearm, even if you’re poor or black.
  13. He supports your right to read porn on the internet.
  14. He supports your right to gamble online.
  15. He supports your right to buy nutritional supplements.
  16. He supports your right to educate your children at home.
  17. He’s against No Child Left Behind.
  18. He’s against launching a war against Iran.
  19. He spoke in defense of Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks from Lebanon.
  20. He offered to donate $100 of his own money to pay for medal for Rosa Parks, instead of using taxpayers money.
  21. He’s not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, even when it’s unpopular. He’s often the only representative who votes against popular measures. He was one of six republicans to vote against the war in Iraq.
  22. He’s against a National ID card.
  23. He supports your right to engage in risky behavior, provided that you don’t expect the government to pay for it.
  24. He opposes government seizure of your home. If the government wants your home, they should have to pay for it.
  25. He opposes federal subsidies to oil companies
  26. He favors creating or expanding property rights in land, air, and water.
  27. He believes the U.S. government has been a poor steward of our natural resources, and that individual owners would have much better incentives to take care of the land. Therefore, he would auction off government owned lands, and use the proceeds to pay down the national debt.
  28. He believes pollution is a form of trespass and polluters should be held liable for the damage their pollution causes to other people’s property.
  29. He supports the right of sex workers (prostitutes, porn stars) to practice their trade free of government regulation.
  30. He supports ending the ban on trade with Cuba.
  31. He supports unilateral free trade with all nations.
  32. He receives more donations from military personnel than any other candidate.
  33. He opposes warrantless wiretaps.
  34. He believes Guantanmo, Abu Ghraib, and other overseas U.S. prisons should be shut down.
  35. He opposes the use of torture, including waterboarding.
  36. He supports the use of letters of marque and reprisal against non-state terrorists as an alternative to war.



The scientific polls may in fact be biased, but this video does not demonstrate it. Assuming that the sampling is properly done, you don’t need large sample sizes to accurately measure the opinion of the U.S. as a whole. See article on sample sizes by Robert Niles for an explanation.

Straw poll participants are not randomly selected, and are _not_ representative of the population as a whole. I encourage everyone to read this article about how opinion polls work.



“Americans resort to force only when we must. We have never been aggressors. We have always struggled to defend freedom and democracy. We have no territorial ambitions. We occupy no countries. We build no walls to lock people in. Americans build the future. “


Liberty on the Rocks

Those of you who participated in the Ron Paul campaign probably saw Justine Lam at some point. She was the eCampaign director for the campaign, and she often covered Ron Paul events wearing a hat cam that broadcast live to the world via justin.tv.

She recently moved to the Bay Area, and is planning to start an ongoing social event for local liberty-oriented activists called Liberty on the Rocks. Here’s the announcement:

Well here it goes – looks like Dec. 4 will be the first event for Bay Area Liberty on the Rocks.

Since it’s the first event, I’m not expecting it to be huge, but just a beginning to what this group could become.

It will be important that we create a warm vibe, welcoming liberty-lovers of all stripes and allowing political/philosophical/activist/whatever discussions to flourish over libations. Please invite friends, coworkers, family members, anyone that would be friendly toward the ideas and that cares about the direction our country/state is taking.

When? Thursday, Dec. 4 at 7:00PM

Where? @ Ye Olde Hut by the Rockridge Station in Oakland. 5515 College Avenue (between Forest St & Lawton Ave) Oakland, CA 94618

Facebook RSVP

Eventful RSVP

I’m planning to be there–I hope some of you can make it too!

Who do the troops support?

According to Q4, FEC filings:

A search of the FEC database by employer reveals that Dr. Paul has received 1160 donations from military donors, nearly triple that of John McCain, and more than McCain, Mitt Romney, and Mike Huckabee combined.

Dr. Paul’s total military donations of $249 thousand are almost as much as the $260 thousand of combined donations received by the other five remaining candidates.

Via flutterby.

Ron Paul is liar too.

Lest anyone think I’m picking on Obama, Ron Paul is a liar, too.

Here he is lying to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

“I have absolutely no idea who wrote those things.”

Blitzer: “Did you used to read these newsletters.”
Blitzer: Congressman?
Paul: “Not back then…[blather]“


He’s still the best candidate, though. I think he lies much less often, and his policies are far better than anyone else.

New Hampshire primary today!

I don’t suppose anyone in New Hampshire could possibly miss it today, but if you’re a Ron Paul supporter, be sure to vote! Everyone else, please stay home! It’s cold outside!

Jay Leno invited Ron Paul again:

Pimp My Ride

Why does Ron Paul arouse such devotion? Tucker Carlson’s essay Pimp My Ride answers that question better than anything else I’ve read.

Though Paul argues passionately for liberalizing marijuana laws and is beloved by potheads (Timothy Leary once held a fund-raiser for him), he has never smoked pot himself. He sounded shocked when I asked him. “I have never seen anyone smoke marijuana,” he said. “I don’t think I’d be open to using it.” For some people, libertarianism is the philosophical justification for a zany personal life. Paul, by contrast, describes his hobbies as gardening (roses and organic tomatoes) and “riding my bicycle.” He has never had a cigarette. He doesn’t swear. He limits his drinking to an occasional glass of wine and goes to church regularly. He has been married to the same woman for 50 years. Three of their five children are physicians.

Ron Paul is deeply square, and every bit as deeply committed to your right not to be.

Trip to New Hampshire

I’m planning to go to New Hampshire for the 2008 Liberty Forum. Here’s my flight itinerary:

Wednesday, January 2

Arrive:WASH/DULLES 3:51 PM

Depart:WASH/DULLES 4:55 PM

Wednesday, January 9
Seat(s): NONSTOP


I have a room reserved for the evenings of the 2nd – 5th (Wed. – Sat) at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nashua. I’m going to try to find a way to volunteer for the Ron Paul campaign on the 7th and the 8th. However, if it’s impractical , I’ll probably drive down to Boston. If any of you guys in Boston/New Hampshire would be up for a visit, please let me know.

Ron Paul blimp time lapse video of banner going up