Men lose their minds speaking to pretty women

Psychologists at Radboud University in The Netherlands carried out the study after one of them was so struck on impressing an attractive woman he had never met before, that he could not remember his address when she asked him where he lived.


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Fate of a couple is sealed with first kiss

Fate of a couple is sealed with first kiss

“While many forces lead two people to connect romantically, the kiss – particularly the first one – can be a deal-breaker.”

The study, published in the online journal Evolutionary Psychology, suggests that clues to a person’s health are passed on by kissing.

These clues are picked up and understood – consciously or unconsciousy – by the kissers but are more important to the female, the researchers said, because she is more interested in a long-term relationship compared with the man who is often an “opportunistic mater”.

Women were more likely than men to take into account the smell of their partner’s breath, the taste of their mouth and the state of their teeth during a kiss.

“Females place a greater emphasis on kissing for making mate assessments,” the researchers reported. “Our data shows that females are more likely to base evaluations of their partner’s kissing ability on chemical clues, ie, the breath and taste.

“This study provides evidence that romantic kissing may have evolved as an adaptive courtship strategy that functions as a mate-assessment technique, a means of initiating sexual arousal and receptivity, and a way of maintaining a bonded relationship.”

Hud’s First Pass

Via roissy

Tim Minchin – If I Didn’t Have You

Via daemonwolf