Scott Collins’ killer UrbanLounge chair is made from a single piece of bent plywood and looks to be stackable (though there’s no mention of the latter feature, if we had two of these, it’s the first thing we’d try to do). The UrbanLounge is the first in a series of forthcoming outdoor furniture from the Chicago-based designer, and while no renderings of those are yet available, you can see the rest of Collins’ work on Coroflot.
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Everybody Urgent Knock-down Plywood coffin
When a natural disaster, terrorism act or armed conflict occurs, adequate resources may not be available to handle the processing of mass fatalities. The Everybody Urgent ® coffin provides a solution to meet civil preparedness demands for federal & local governments, relief organizations and professional Disaster & Emergency Management companies. Specifically developed for deployment in difficult circumstances, the Everybody Urgent ® comes flat-packed for convenient transportation and storage in large volumes. Its specially developed click-to-construct design makes it easy to assemble instantly by hand and by any anyone on site.
Some really cool plywood furniture designs from Playatech. Via meredith