Why is Obama’s popularity declining?
Obama would not only have to sell America on a new health care plan but defend the merits of government and talk about the limitations of the free market, which the Republicans have demonized and fetishized respectively
Sure, some Republicans _claim_ to support free markets. But what do they do once they’re actually in office? Take a look at this graph:
Adjusted for inflation, discretionary spending under Bush increased by more than it did under under LBJ (and every president in between). LBJ also had a war to fund, not to mention a few little programs such as Medicare, and Medicaid.
So a lot of people who were worried about the unchecked growth of government spending under Bush figured Obama couldn’t do much worse. After all, in his entire two terms, Clinton only increased spending by half the amount Bush did in just his first term.
Unfortunately, once in office, Obama has increased spending so much as to make Bush look like a Depression-era grandma. Take a look at this graph of annual deficits under Obama:
Obama has pushed for trillions in corporate welfare to prop up GM, AIG, Fannie Mae, and Goldman Sachs. His plan to “get us out of Iraq” will still leave 50,000 troops in country, and he’s increased troops in Afghanistan. His record on civil liberties has proven little better than Bush’s when it comes to gay rights, warrantless wiretapping, torture, and drugs.
And now he’s pushing for Obamacare, a 1000+ page Frankenstein monster of spending and regulation, that neither he nor anyone in Congress has even read in full.
So, yes, Obama’s having trouble selling his monster to the public. Bush’s approval ratings were low not because he supported free markets, but because he was fascist spendthrift. Now that Obama’s proving himself to be more of the same, is it any wonder that he’s losing support?