Femjoy, Met-art contacts?

A friend of mine asks:

“….I am considering doing some work for them. However, I found no contact info on any such web sites, nor have I found any info on the terms and conditions. I looked over Suicide Girls a couple of years ago — their conditions were unacceptable.

1. Does anyone have direct contact info for Femjoy, Met-art or similar?
2. Where would I look for suitable models? I prefer working with friends, but I not sure of finding even one available at this time. The shoots would be paid, obviously. I have not found any on Modelmayhem.com that I would consider useable — most look very bored with their work….”

On the origins of Russian supermodels

Where did all the beautiful Russians come from?

To put it bluntly, in the Soviet Union there was no market for female beauty. No fashion magazines featured beautiful women, since there weren’t any fashion magazines. No TV series depended upon beautiful women for high ratings, since there weren’t any ratings. There weren’t many men rich enough to seek out beautiful women and marry them, and foreign men couldn’t get the right sort of visa. There were a few film stars, of course, but some of the most famous—I’m thinking of Lyubov Orlova, alleged to be Stalin’s favorite actress—were wholesome and cheerful rather than sultry and stunning. Unusual beauty, like unusual genius, was considered highly suspicious in the Soviet Union and its satellite people’s republics.

This doesn’t mean there weren’t any beautiful women, of course, just that they didn’t have the clothes or cosmetics to enhance their looks, and, far more important, they couldn’t use their faces to launch international careers. Instead of gracing London drawing rooms, they stayed in Minsk, Omsk, or Alma Ata. Instead of couture, they wore cheap polyester. They could become assembly-line forewomen, Communist Party bosses, even local femmes fatales, but not Vogue cover girls. They didn’t even dream of becoming Vogue cover girls, since very few had ever seen an edition of Vogue.

A Wonderful Madness