Israeli Stripper Death Squads Entrap Arab Teen Boys

Via Arutz Sheva

According to an Al-Hayat Al-Jadida front page report, the IDF has turned to using armed, female strippers in its war on upstanding Palestinian boys. The newspaper reports that when the Arab rock-throwing begins, IDF soldiers run for cover. Then, the story continues, after some time of hiding, an Israeli woman stands up on top of a barricade and begins to perform an alluring strip tease. Innocent Arab teenage boys, distracted from the business of rioting, are enticed to approach, when, according to the newspaper, the woman ? an IDF soldier ? shoots them with a pistol she had hidden in her underwear.

I doubt this story is true, but when I’m ruler of my own banana republic, item 1 on the acquisition list will be “stripper death squads”.