captin nod: The Phone-O-Scope: Attaching SLR lenses to an iPhone


“Just to get the inevitable question of ‘why’ out of the way – well, why not? As far as I can tell, I think this is the first – I couldn’t find any similar SLR lens to camera phone attaching attempts anywhere else online (I’m not including the mini-lenses you can get as they’re not 35mm lenses). The Phone-O-Scope doesn’t take especially superb images, and it’s a bit clumsy to handle. On the other hand, it’s fun to shoot with and produces very analog (almost Holga-like) results. You also get the advantages of SLR lenses – that is, DOF effects, and the wide range of available focal lengths (i.e. macro to telephoto).”

Posted via web from crasch’s posterous

iPhone Mania

As I know some of you suffer from non-Bible approved feelings for the new iPhone, I thought you might enjoy this interchange between Jon Stewart and Daily Show correspondent, Rob Riggle:

[on selling his body to get money for an iPhone]
Jon: How much have you raised so far?
Rob: Four hundred thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.
Jon: Twenty-five cents? Who paid you a quarter?
Rob: [stares into the distance] … All of them.

Courtesy of ladykalana.