‪A Kids Reaction To Gay Couple‬‏

via youtube.com

This is adorable.

Sex With Ducks: the Music Video by Garfunkel and Oates

via youtube.com

Posted via email from crasch’s posterous

Is “gay face” real?

People can identify pictures of gay men at a rate above chance:

The January 2008 study investigated people’s ability to identify homosexual men from pictures of their faces alone. In an initial experiment, researchers Nicholas Rule and Nalini Ambady from Tufts University perused online dating sites and carefully selected 45 straight male faces and 45 gay male faces. All of these photos were matched for orientation (only faces shown looking forward were used) and facial alterations (none of the images contained jewelry, glasses or facial hair). To control for context, the faces were also cut and pasted onto a white background for the study. These 90 faces were then shown to 90 participants in random order, who were asked simply to judge the target’s “probable sexual orientation” (gay or straight) by pressing a button. Surprisingly, all participants (both men and women) scored above chance on this gaydar task, correctly identifying the gay faces. Even more surprisingly, accuracy rate was just as good when the images were exposed at a rapid rate of only 50 milliseconds, which offered participants no opportunity to consciously process the photo.

no phone, QOTD

I accidentally left my phone in Idaho. So I’ll be incommunicado by phone until tomorrow.

Also, heh:

“All marriages are same-sex marriages, after about two years.”
-”Joe”, commenting on this article

So I guess Jodie Foster came out today…

Via cerulgalactus

“Occam’s Razor Disagrees”

“I am a bit troubled. I believe my son has a girlfriend, because she left a dirty magazine with men in it under his bed. My son is only 16 and I really don’t think he’s ready to date yet. What’s worse is that he’s sneaking some girl to his room behind my back. I need help, God! I want my son to stop being so secretive!”

Dumbledore is gay.

According to Entertainment Weekly:

Responding to a question from a child about Dumbledore’s love life, Rowling hesitated and then revealed, “I always saw Dumbledore as gay.” Filling in a few more details, she said, “Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald…. Don’t forget, falling in love can blind us. [He] was very drawn to this brilliant person. This was Dumbledore’s tragedy.” She added that in a recent meeting about the sixth movie, she spied a line in the script where Dumbledore waxed poetic about a girl, so she was forced to scribble director David Yates a note to correct the situation.