Lessons Learned: Video update on the Startup Visa Act

The Startup Visa Act continues to gain momentum on Capitol Hill, thanks to grassroots support of all of you. Without lobbyists or PACs, we’re getting the word out in DC and nationwide that we have an opportunity to act – this year – to create jobs right here in America by supporting entrepreneurship and innovation. As bills in both chambers of Congress pick up supporters and co-sponsors, it’s more important than ever for citizens who care about this issue to call, write, and tweet their representatives.

via startuplessonslearned.com

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Pomplamoose: Making A Living On YouTube : NPR

via npr.org

” The group has made no hard copies of its albums; no CDs have been printed. Nevertheless, they make their living on sales, having sold about 100,000 songs last year.

Pomplamoose is one of the first bands to be invited into YouTube’s Musicians Wanted program, which is an ad-revenue sharing program. YouTube places ads next to or on a video, and then shares the revenue for that ad, 50-50, with the artist. Income sources like this allow for bands to survive without the help of a major label. “

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Buy an ad on the Glenn Beck Show for $100

Deciding to create an ad for absolutely nothing, along with a website to go along with that ad, they were able to buy space for $100 in the wee hours of the morning during repeats of The Glenn Beck Show. And they got over 1,000 people to go to this completely made-up website that was about absolutely nothing. Sure, the only people that went to the website were polishing their gun in their underwear at 3 in the morning, but they went!

via gawker.com

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Panic Blog » The Panic Status Board

via panic.com

“This is good. But a lot of things happening mean a high chance that I, the man who lives and breathes Panic and has a giant status board in my head, might not properly explain everything to everyone. Steve and I realized it was high time we made this Cabel Status Board public… using technology!

So, with partial inspiration, Neven, Steve and I built the Panic Status Board. Take a secret, sneek peek:”

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Can Entrepreneurs Be Made?

via techcrunch.com

“Entrepreneurs aren’t born, they’re made. And they aren’t anything like you think they are. My team surveyed 549 successful entrepreneurs. We found that the majority didn’t have entrepreneurial parents. They didn’t even have entrepreneurial aspirations while going to school. They simply got tired of working for others, had a great idea they wanted to commercialize, or woke up one day with an urgent desire to build wealth before they retired. So they took the big leap.

We found that 52% of the successful entrepreneurs were the first in their immediate families to start a business — just like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Sergei Brin, and Russell Simmons (Def Jam founder). Their parents were academics, lawyers, factory workers, priests, bureaucrats, etc. About 39% had an entrepreneurial father, and 7% had an entrepreneurial mother. (Some had both.)

Only a quarter caught the entrepreneurial bug when in college. Half didn’t even think about entrepreneurship, and they had little interest in it when in school.”

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What *really* motivates workers?: – Barking up the wrong tree

Ask leaders what they think makes employees enthusiastic about work, and they’ll tell you in no uncertain terms. In a recent survey we invited more than 600 managers from dozens of companies to rank the impact on employee motivation and emotions of five workplace factors commonly considered significant: recognition, incentives, interpersonal support, support for making progress, and clear goals. “Recognition for good work (either public or private)” came out number one.

Unfortunately, those managers are wrong.

Having just completed a multiyear study tracking the day-to-day activities, emotions, and motivation levels of hundreds of knowledge workers in a wide variety of settings, we now know what the top motivator of performance is—and, amazingly, it’s the factor those survey participants ranked dead last. It’s progress. On days when workers have the sense they’re making headway in their jobs, or when they receive support that helps them overcome obstacles, their emotions are most positive and their drive to succeed is at its peak. On days when they feel they are spinning their wheels or encountering roadblocks to meaningful accomplishment, their moods and motivation are lowest.

via bakadesuyo.com

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i/o Ventures – A Work/Cafe Incubator Launches In San Francisco

via techcrunch.com

A small group of high profile startup executives are preparing to launch their next venture – a workspace incubator and angel investment fund called i/o ventures that aims to help new startups get a start with some initial capital and a cool place to work. The company is located in San Francisco.

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Your Cool Technology Is Worthless If You Don’t Know How To Sell

Reichart intereviewed on Mixergy