How Fiat Dies: 22,727 Golden Geese

The total value of all US public companies is about $13.4 trillion with a P/E of 28 which means total earnings of about $0.5 trillion.  Bernanke’s printing presses make about twice as much money each year as the total earnings of all US public companies.


The Fiscal Singularity is Near

I don’t think we will get much past 2020 along our current policy path. I need to work out scenarios more carefully, but the interest cost of the debt as a percent of GDP is the debt times the nominal interest rate. If the nominal interest rate were 10 percent in 2020, then the interest alone would be 9 percent of GDP. Since non-interest spending also would exceed projected revenues, we would be adding nearly 10 percentage points to the debt-to-GDP ratio in just 2020, with ever-increasing amounts in subsequent years. Nobody is going to want to buy Treasury securities given that outlook.

Yes, one option is to just print money to pay off the debt. The money that we print is called high-powered money, also known as the monetary base. Is it fair to assume that the velocity of high-powered money is about 10? (I think that the ratio of nominal GDP to the stock of high-powered money is about 10 these days.) If so, then imagine that the interest on our debt is 10 percent of GDP and we want to print enough high-powered money just to pay the interest on the debt. Then we have to inject an amount of high-powered money equal to 10 percent of our GDP, which at a velocity of 10 would mean a 100 percent increase in nominal GDP, which would be nearly all inflation. That is hyper-inflation territory, which would be roughly as catastrophic for savers as defaulting on the debt.


Posted via web from crasch’s posterous

What’s a browser?

Sometimes I forget how self-selected my social circle is…

Via mhat.

I *heart* Jim Rogers

Via gwendally.

LJ cans 12 of 28 employees

[Edit: number of employees fired has been downgraded from 20 to 12.]

Awww, this sucks. Better back up your livejournal:

LiveJournal, the San Francisco-based arm of Sup, a Russian Internet startup, has cut about 12 of 28 employees — and offered them no severance, we’re told.

It’s a good idea anyway (if you care about your data), but this event makes it particularly important.

Some LJ backup tools:

ljdump – Python script, cross-platform. This is what I use.

ljArchive – Windows client. Probably what you want to use if you’re on windows.

Deepest Sender – Firefox extension for Firefox. Will sync all of your LJ entries to a local database. It won’t backup the profile data, icons, images or other goodies.

LogJam – GTK client, also available as an Ubuntu package. Go to “Journal -> Synchronize Offline Copy” to back up an entire journal.

LJ Book – Turns your site into a PDF.

ljsim – Perl command line tool. Saves posts, memories, graphics. Converts relative links to absolute. Creates contents page, supports http proxy.

ljmigrate – Python command line tool to migrate to other LJ-based sites (GreatesJournal, DeadJournal, etc.)