Tinkering School

The Tinkering School offers an exploratory curriculum designed to help kids – ages 8 to 17 – learn how to build things. By providing a collaborative environment in which to explore basic and advanced building techniques and principles, we strive to create a school where we all learn by fooling around. All activities are hands-on, supervised, and at least partly improvisational.

Grand schemes, wild ideas, crazy notions, and intuitive leaps of imagination are, of course, encouraged and fertilized.

Tinkering School is still primarily a sleepover summer camp. See our FAQ for more information.

We are starting to expand the program, with sessions at Maker Faire and expansion of our website. Stay tuned for more.

Tinkering School is taught primarily by me, Gever Tulley, aided of course by my indispensable wife Julie Spiegler and the inimitable Robyn Orr. By trade, I am a Senior Computer Scientist, writer, and practicing sculptor. Julie is professional Playground Monitor (and we both teach paragliding at the Advanced Paragliding School), and Robyn’s secret identity is still kept secret but she only uses her super-organizational skills for good and the Tinkering School.

I started the Tinkering School because it’s the kind of thing I would like to have been able to go to myself.

via tinkeringschool.com

Tinkering camp would be cool for adults too!

Posted via web from crasch’s posterous

The Sawdust Shop

The Sawdust Shop is an open access woodshop, along the lines of the TechShop, except for woodworkers. Also, check out the Bay Area Woodworkers Association.

Future Light Digital Photography Workshops?

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