Horst David : 75 year old gymnast

via youtube.com

Horst David, 75 year old gymnast:

“Horst was born July 15, 1935—into a family of gymnasts. Gymnastics was a family tradition; everyone trained and competed. Horst began competing when he was seven. He often rode his bike long distances to competitions. (Jurgen explains that it was difficult to be a gymnast in Dornbirn at that time, because all buildings, including gymnasiums, were co-opted for the war effort). ”

Ernestine Shepherd, World’s Oldest Female Bodybuilder, Muscles Her Way Into Guinness World Records (VIDEO)

via weirdnews.aol.com

Calorie restriction with optimal nutrition (CRON) is one of the few life extension regimens that has solid scientific backing. However, many of the people who I know practice CRON look like famine victims — skinny, gaunt, weak. Ernestine, and other older bodybuilders such as Clarence Bass have better bodies than many people in their 30′s. I’d bet that a bodybuilding regimen will prove to better at increasing maximum longevity than CRON alone.

I am a 91-year-old bodybuilder

via guardian.co.uk

“Then at 85 I had a crisis. I looked at myself in the mirror one day, and saw an old man. I was overweight, my posture was terrible and there was skin hanging off me where muscle used to be. I looked like a wreck. I started to consider the fact that I was probably going to die soon. I knew I was supposed to slow down, but I’m vain. I missed my old body and wanted to be able to strut across the beach, turning heads.

I was already rowing six times a week, and there didn’t seem any harm in pushing myself a bit harder to rebuild my muscles. So in my late-80s I joined a bodybuilding club.”

Louis CK – Turning 40

via youtube.com

“Age & Treachery” – Tough Mudder Training

via rosstraining.com

Via Ross training.

“The video below was sent to [Ross] by a proud daughter. Within the clip, you’ll see her parents (who are also grandparents) training for the Tough Mudder obstacle course.

In the words of their daughter,

“One of the things I like the best is they do a lot of training together (even though they are very different sizes), and always have a fun and playful attitude. My mom just took her first parkour class a few weeks ago, and they are constantly looking for new challenges. They are great parents, grandparents, and role models.””

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On the social benefits of old men chasing younger women

Anonymous's picture

It turns out that older men chasing younger women contributes to human longevity and the survival of the species, according to new findings by researchers at Stanford and the University of California-Santa Barbara.

Evolutionary theory says that individuals should die of old age when their reproductive lives are complete, generally by age 55 in humans, according to demographer Cedric Puleston, a doctoral candidate in biological sciences at Stanford. But the fatherhood of a small number of older men is enough to postpone the date with death because natural selection fights life-shortening mutations until the species is finished reproducing.

via scienceblog.com

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Stem Cells Heal Dog on Local News. Will Humans Ever Get Their Turn? (video) | Singularity Hub

Chances are your dog has access to stem cell treatments more advanced than your own. A Fox News affiliate in Atlanta has picked up on a local story of a dog, named Behr, who could barely run a year ago, but who is now frolicking like a puppy. The secret to Behr’s success? He underwent stem cell therapy, effectively reversing the conditions of his hip dysplasia. Regular readers will recognize this therapy as one we discussed more than eight months ago. It is growing more common in veterinarian clinics across the US to treat horses and large dogs with joint problems using stem cells, often with miraculous results.

via singularityhub.com

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The Case For An Older Woman « OkTrends

via blog.okcupid.com

“…As you can see, a man, as he gets older, searches for relatively younger and younger women. Meanwhile his upper acceptable limit hovers only a token amount above his own age. The median 31 year-old guy, for example, sets his allowable match age range from 22 to 35—nine years younger, but only four years older, than himself. This skewed mindset worsens with age; the median 42 year-old will accept a woman up to fifteen years younger, but no more than three years older.”

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BBC News – Today – When time flies

By a surreptitious switching of stopwatches, the study at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota was able to make those taking part in the experiment believe that a task had lasted 10 minutes, while in reality it lasted either five or 20.

“In controlled circumstances we could manipulate people’s feelings of time quite easily,” says Professor Aaron Sackett, who led the research.

Remove time cues – clocks and watches
Drink tea, coffee or other stimulants
Allow yourself to become absorbed in what you are doing

They found that people who were made to believe time had flown reported enjoying the task more, and those who believed time had dragged reported the opposite.

via news.bbc.co.uk

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How much time is enough?

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