Get over here and touch me now
I realize I might be unusual. I realize I might be odd to offer it up in this way. I deeply acknowledge, furthermore, that there are a thousand notable exceptions. But barring the relative handful of those who don’t understand personal space, who perhaps “overtouch,” whose intentions are a bit slimy or hostile, I would hereby like to be lightly and lovingly touched at some point by everyone I ever know, meet, connect with, always and forever, quite nearly without exception, and that very much means you.
I feel like I’m on the right path with this. But you never know.
Here’s the fascinating thing: The science on the subject has barely been, you know, touched upon. Research is only now coming to soft light that reveals, say, a gentle touch on the arm is not only sorta nice — it can, in fact, change your entire body chemistry. Your viewpoint. Your world.
Such a touch can release tension. Relax muscles. Stop weeping. Start weeping. Evoke worlds. Invite transcendence. Calm rage. Soften the heart. Open the breath. Touch can alter temperaments and attitudes in an instant. Babies love it. So do romantics, dogs, deities and saints, gurus and wizened masters. An attentive touch carefully placed can pretty much calm everyone the f–k down.
Thus spake a recent, fascinating little study: “Library users who are touched while registering, rate the library and its personnel more favorably than the non-touched; diners are more satisfied and give larger tips when waiting staff touch them casually; people touched by a stranger are more willing to perform a mundane favor; and women touched by a man on the arm are more willing to share their phone number or agree to a dance.”
I think that one of the main reasons that the drug Ecstasy makes people feel good is not just because of its own mood-elevating effects, but because it increases the desire to touch and be touched, and decreases inhibitions. As a result, people on E often end up in “cuddle puddles”, and stroke and and hold each other at length. And this touch causes much of the euphoria people experience on E.
Theresa Field at the Touch Research Institute has written several bookson touch and touch therapy that go into the beneficial effects of touch in more detail.
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