Woke up to the phrase “Alpine Butt” in my browsers Google searchbox. I have no memory of putting it there.

Woke up to the phrase “Alpine Butt” in my browser’s Google search box. I have no memory of putting it there.

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How to solder

via tvbgone.com

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“What happens during Rumspringa, stays in Rumspringa”. — Dominic Vignolo

“What happens during Rumspringa, stays in Rumspringa”. — Dominic Vignolo

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Apparently, I need lessons on becoming an asshole.

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Barbot 2010

Went to Barbot 2010 last night at the DNA Lounge. My favorite was the “Corpse Reviver” which was barely a bot, more like a steampunk alchohol dispenser:

It was made by Benjamin Cowden for Roboexotica.

The robot that flung whiskey sours down the length of a bar table was also pretty cool. Hung out with Jean Rintoul, Paul Bohm, and co. and discussed drywall. Met Jamie Zawinskie (jwz) on LJ for the first time. He sang the praises of SXSW in Austin. Apparently, they have over 3000 bands in a single week. And that’s just the “official” bands on the schedule. Now I’m going to have to go. (Yeah, I know, I’m a late adopter when it comes to music.)

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The Raw Feed: MIT Teddy Bear Robot ‘Enhances Relationships’

via therawfeed.com

“A robotic teddy bear developed at MIT combines robot interactivity with a kind of weird telepresence. The bear, called the “Huggable,” has 1,500 skin sensors, actuators for movement, microphones in its ears, cameras in its eyes and a speaker in its mouth. Inside is a PC connected to the Internet over Wi-Fi. It can operated in fully autonomous mode, where it interacts without human intervention. More interestingly, it has a semi-autonomous mode, where it serves also as a conduit for interaction with someone over the Internet.”

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“A roofer listens [to his heart], not his wallet.” –Clerks

“A roofer listens [to his heart], not his wallet.” –Clerks

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via youtube.com

Check out other robots at Bunnie Studios. Via flutterby.

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Aquaponics, a Gardening System Using Fish and Circulating Water

via nytimes.com

“THERE’S a “Beyond Thunderdome” quality to Rob Torcellini’s greenhouse. The 10-by-12-foot structure is undistinguished on the outside: he built it from a $700 kit, alongside his family’s Victorian-style farmhouse in Eastford, Conn., a former farming town 35 miles east of Hartford. What is going on inside, however, is either a glimpse at the future of food growing or a very strange hobby — possibly both.”

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The Case For An Older Woman « OkTrends

via blog.okcupid.com

“…As you can see, a man, as he gets older, searches for relatively younger and younger women. Meanwhile his upper acceptable limit hovers only a token amount above his own age. The median 31 year-old guy, for example, sets his allowable match age range from 22 to 35—nine years younger, but only four years older, than himself. This skewed mindset worsens with age; the median 42 year-old will accept a woman up to fifteen years younger, but no more than three years older.”

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