Roa_London_Dec09_4_u_1000.jpg (JPEG Image, 900×604 pixels) – Scaled (59%)


Nifty street art. Via Tara Brannigan.

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Hacker Dojo


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What Startups Can Learn from Lady Gaga | Leveraging Ideas


“For the uninformed, Lady Gaga has now sold 4 million albums and 20+million singles tracks. Yet, as recently as 2005 she was just a lowly NYU student. Here’s a pretty spectacular piano performance she gave while attending New York University”

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Top Gear – the sensible Fiesta test episode [12x06] [HD]


Via Joel Franusic.

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Kinda sweet, kinda weird



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John Mackey and Whole Foods : The New Yorker

The union is like having herpes. It doesn’t kill you, but it’s unpleasant and inconvenient, and it stops a lot of people from becoming your lover.


I *heart* John Mackey.

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captin nod: The Phone-O-Scope: Attaching SLR lenses to an iPhone


“Just to get the inevitable question of ‘why’ out of the way – well, why not? As far as I can tell, I think this is the first – I couldn’t find any similar SLR lens to camera phone attaching attempts anywhere else online (I’m not including the mini-lenses you can get as they’re not 35mm lenses). The Phone-O-Scope doesn’t take especially superb images, and it’s a bit clumsy to handle. On the other hand, it’s fun to shoot with and produces very analog (almost Holga-like) results. You also get the advantages of SLR lenses – that is, DOF effects, and the wide range of available focal lengths (i.e. macro to telephoto).”

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pigeons on a mission redux


Shot with a plungercam:

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Amazing Green Building: The ACROS Fukuoka »» MetaEfficient Reviews

In Fukuoka City in Japan, they have an amazing building called “ACROS Fukuoka” with two very distinct sides: one side looks like a conventional office building with glass walls, but on the other side there is a huge terraced roof that merges with a park. The garden terraces, which reach up to about 60 meters above the ground, contain some 35,000 plants representing 76 species. A huge semicircular atrium and the triangular lobby provide contrast to the greenery, in this space is a symphony hall, offices and shops.


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Do you think…

…it would be easier to raise money for anti-aging research if instead of “aging” we called it “adult onset progeria”?

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