Burning Man 2009: In line for the Raygun Gothic Rocketship

While waiting to go inside the Raygun Gothic Rocketship, I took pictures of the other people standing in line.

I talked to “Ninjaparamedic” for a long time. He’s a paramedic by day, and offered to give me a few extra pairs of scrubs.




An alien guard for the Raygun Gothic Rocketship? He stood in front of it for hours, nearly motionless, completely silent.


An old-timer who worked for the DMV. He said he recognized my bike, that he had sold it on Craigslist several years earlier.



He never said a word, just nodded when I asked him for a picture.


Love the ‘stache


Kendall Laine had just completed his MBA, and was working for a startup that was attempting to commercialize low-cost ocean energy production technology.


I think this kid and his family were French-Canadian, based on their accents.


More leopard guy



I didn’t get to talk with her long, just long enough to ask for her picture. But she reminds me of Cherie Priest.


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