links for 2009-07-31

  • Having had a disaster with my MacBook, I’ve spent the best part of a day getting my work environment how I want it. Here’s the Rails-y bit!
    (tags: rails ruby)
  • We'll take it! We will recycle anything that you can plug into a power outlet. This means we will recycle your computer, VCR, television, copy machine, and even your microwave and toaster, but not your large appliances such as a washing machine or refrigerator. When you give us your computer, you will receive a tax write-off, and we will attempt to fix your equipment and then give it away to someone who is unable to afford to buy a computer. If we are unable to reuse your equipment, it will be recycled in an environmentally friendly manner.
    (tags: computers scrap)
  • allmark Institute of Photography was established over 30 years ago to provide an accelerated academic path to a career in professional photography. Our unique ten-month in-residence program is designed to equip the motivated student with all of the tools that he or she will need to successfully launch a career in the very competitive imaging marketplace.
    (tags: photography schools)
  • Welcome to this site! This is an educational site that aims to promote feminine beauty. This site mainly focuses on the nature of feminine beauty, especially by contrasting it with masculinization in women, but women interested in making themselves more attractive will also find some useful information here.
    (tags: beauty dating relationships)
  • Professor Mario Beauregard, of Montreal University’s centre for research into neurophysiology and cognition, who led the study, said: “Unconditional love, extended to others without exception, is considered to be one of the highest expressions of spirituality. “However, nothing has been known regarding its neural underpinnings until now.”
    (tags: love sex relationships dating)
  • Wow, what an intriguing title! When I was getting my Ph.D in math, the words ’sex’ and ‘mathematics’ were not juxtaposed all that often, and I suspect we would have been more likely to expect a book titled ‘Mathematics and the (lack of) Sex.’ But, hey, times change and the author, who is not only a mathematician but also someone who was voted one of Australia’s 25 most beautiful people in their equivalent of People magazine — and remember this is the land of Nicole Kidman — has a point. As she says, echoing G.H. Hardy’s famous comment in ‘A Mathematician’s Apology: ‘Mathematics is the study of patterns: their discovery, their interconnections and their implications.’ And what is sexual behavior but the most intriguing pattern of all?”
    (tags: sex mathematics)
  • : "Does a Long-Term Relationship Kill Romantic Love?" Bianca P. Acevedo, PhD, and Arthur Aron, PhD, Stony Brook University; Review of General Psychology, Vol. 13, No. 1.
    (tags: love relationships)
  • Sounds like a pretty good deal, right? Well, it is. But the trick is that you can’t run a virtually-distributed studio like this in the same way you run a more traditional studio. While there isn’t enough space to explain all of our management strategies in detail, let me share with you our Top 10 strategies for running a virtual development studio. To be clear, this is what works for us, and depending on your team, pipeline, and structure, these suggestions may or may not work for you. So judge and use accordingly.
    (tags: entrepreneurship wishforge virtual_office)

The Twelve Bonk rule

Or, in another variation of the model, whose solution she refers to as the “twelve bonk rule,” there’s a result that says that if you simply want to ensure that your choice is better than 90% of the other choices available, simply ’sample’ the first 12 possibilities and pick the first person who is better after the first 12. This strategy gives you a 77% possibility of success.

Via this review of Mathematics and Sex.

links for 2009-07-30

  • n old friend of mine from my early “raver” days contacted me about glow sticking and poi moves with glowsticks. He’s just starting out and wanted a few pointers. Here’s what I had to say to him and I thought would be useful for anyone starting out themselves. Especially if you’re a glow sticker, I want to first recommend you get something softer than glow sticks — they bruise. We use practice poi here at Temple of Poi made much like a bean bag, only we don’t use beans. Also, if you’re a “glow sticker” starting out, I have to recommend LED lights instead of glow sticks. Beginning Poi: A Few Tips For Getting StartedThese lights from our partner company FlowToys are awesome because they use rechargeable batteries best (they are optimized for that), they come in lots of colors, and they have many different types of blinking modes which offer lots of fun.
    (tags: lights burning_man art glowsticks elwire led)
  • The Dunning-Kruger effect is an example of cognitive bias in which "…people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it"[1]. They therefore suffer an illusory superiority, rating their own ability as above average. This leads to a perverse result where people with less competence will rate their ability more highly than people with relatively more competence. It also explains why competence may weaken the projection of confidence because competent individuals falsely assume others are of equivalent understanding "Thus, the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."
    (tags: psychology selfhelp competence)
  • Men's undershirts with the unique wetness protection of a JEEZ combined with the highest quality undershirt available at any price. Available only in white
    (tags: sweat laundry)
  • The ACSF is a professional acting studio serving actors of all levels. Because we are located in San Francisco we seek to uphold world class standards seen in Independent and Commercial films as well as on the London or Broadway stage.

    We offer serious training in dramatic acting to beginners. We provide A-List coaching to working actors, writers and film makers looking to strengthen their voice.

    We are a bridge for non-actors and business professionals who love film and theater and desire to seriously experiment with the art of acting in order to improve their own communication skills and emotional awareness.

    (tags: acting pua dating selfhelp)
  • The most intriguing was a study by Arthur Aron, a psychologist at the State University of New York, who wanted to see how long takes to feel a really deep romantic connection with someone. So he got in some guys and girls, and in the space of an hour tried to create intimacy levels that typically take months or years to form. It was called the 'Sharing Game' – a sheet of 36 questions was presented to the participants, and they had to ask and answer them with their assigned partner. Both had to answer the questions out loud, to each other, and in the manner of a conversation.
    (tags: dating sex pua psychology relationships)
  • Essential to the game of love and sexual attraction is flirting. The reason that this is so important can be traced to Peer Group Pressure and Fear of Rejection.
    (tags: sex dating pua)
  • Really sophisticated paper doll app
    (tags: design fashion)
  • (tags: javascript regular_expressions regular_expression)
  • Venkman is the code name for Mozilla's JavaScript Debugger. Venkman aims to provide a powerful JavaScript debugging environment for Gecko-based browsers namely Firefox 3.x, the Netscape 7.x series of browsers, Netscape 9.x series, Mozilla Seamonkey 1.x and Mozilla Seamonkey 2.x. It does not include Gecko-based browsers such as K-Meleon 1.x, Galeon 2.x and Netscape 8.x. The debugger is available as an add-on package in XPI format. Venkman JavaScript Debugger has been provided as part of the Mozilla install distribution since October 3rd 2001.
    (tags: javascript debugging venkman)
  • (tags: jquery tablesorter javascript)
  • (tags: tablesorter javascript jquery)
  • (tags: javascript debugging)

Jeweler needs housing in S.F.

My friend Tara is planning to take an intensive jewelry making course from Oct 11-Dec 9th. Her original accommodations in S.F. fell through, unfortunately. Right now, she has a place to stay as close as Mountain View, but it would be handy if she could stay somewhere in S.F. proper. If you know of someone who has free/inexpensive floorspace she could crash on during those dates, please let me now. She’s responsible, respectful, and is an all around cool person.

Expect the best

Via Corlis B.

links for 2009-07-29

  • I’m in the process of interviewing for graduate school, and soon for jobs. Today I had my first interview. To prepare I’ve been researching tips and have found some good advice. Actually some of them are good tips for other firsts when you may be anxious or nervous.
    (tags: blogs friends)
  • Stiltwerks Inc. believes that the "Jaywalkers " will revolutionize the way you walk on stilts. These ultra light stilts are designed with increased control in mind. "Jaywalkers" are able to tread on most any terrain, allow you to jump vertically, dance, climb stairs, free stand in one spot without swaying in order to keep your balance.
    (tags: stilts)
  • Competitor to Wishforge
    (tags: wishforge pledges funding crowdsourcing entrepreneurship)
  • A tiny Kansas City start-up now handles 10 percent of all U.S. stock trades. How BATS took on Wall Street to shake up the financial establishment.
    (tags: trading markets BATS stocks)
  • Creative has announced a new PMP called the Zii Egg Plaszma that is actually very cool — other than its name. The device is a near dead ringer for the iPod touch, which is its rival and can run Android. The similarities are only skin deep though with Creative cramming a laundry list of features we can only wish Apple offered.

    The device has a flexible StemCell architecture that uses 24 floating point processors. The screen is a 3.5-inch 320 x 480 unit with a 10-point multitouch screen. Other features include a HD video camera, 32GB of storage, SDHC expansion, GPS, Flash Lite support, Wi-Fi and the ability to output 1080p video. The device will retail for about $199 when it hits market.

    (tags: zii plaszma android phone)
  • Learn the truth about Russian Women from an American man who actually lives there. There is much to discover but far too little in-depth material previously available. So dive into my Blog and enjoy the Thinking Man's guide to these enigmatic ladies.
    (tags: russia women dating pickup pua sex relationships)
  • Economics of sex
    (tags: sex pua dating)
  • I've been thinking about the neg recently. It's an amazing little tool that accomplishes so much in such a small amount of time. For those who don't know, the neg is a comment lobbed at a woman that knocks her off her pedestal. It is not an insult… well, actually, it kind of is (semantics). Who are we kidding? But it's a playful insult, and some women secretly like being insulted.
    (tags: pua dating sex relationships)
  • Everything I want to do is illegal. As if a highly bureaucratic regulatory system was not already in place, 9/11 fueled renewed acceleration to eliminate freedom from the countryside. Every time a letter arrives in the mail from a federal or state agriculture department my heart jumps like I just got sent to the principal’s office.
    (tags: salatin libertarianism farming)


Soytuaire, a beautiful musical drawing toy. Via Mark Finnern.

test – (no evelynne’s allowed)


test #2

test – ignore

test – ignore