James Brown – E I Feel Good

Good morning!

How much is a $100 million budget cut?

Obama isn’t anti-gun, he’s anti illegal guns.

Pro border control folks often bristle when you accuse them of being anti-immigrant.

“I’m not anti-immigration, I’m anti-illegal immigration. I have no problem with immigration, so long as they follow our laws, and don’t try to jump the line.”

You know what–they’re right. It’s not fair to accuse them of being against all immigration.

It’s just like how Obama is often accused of being anti-gun. But Obama isn’t opposed to all gun ownership. He only opposes illegal gun ownership.

Granted, in Obama’s utopia, it takes 10 years and $20,000 to buy a gun. In most cases, you can get a gun only if one of your relatives already owns a gun, or you’re sponsored by a business willing to pay thousands in attorney’s fees. Temporary permits that let you shoot only at certain gun ranges are capped at a few thousand each year, allocated by lottery.

But these are mere common sense restrictions on gun ownership. Just imagine what would happen if we relaxed gun laws. Poor people would buy guns. Uneducated people would buy guns. Many of them would commit crimes. Do you really want poor, uneducated people owning a gun in your neighborhood? Just look at how many of them already buy guns illegally! We can’t allow people who disrespect our laws to own a gun! Only until we’ve secured the existing black market in guns, can we possibly consider increasing legal gun ownership.

You say you’re at risk from a stalker? You own a convenience store in a bad neighborhood? Well, that’s no excuse for disobeying the law. You should stand in line with everyone else. Or hire a security guard. Or maybe you should’ve treated your ex better or spent a little more time cleaning up your neighborhood. If you had, maybe you wouldn’t need a gun in the first place.

And what about all the security guards, police officers, and other people who would lose their jobs if any shmoe on the street could just buy a gun himself? Do you want to put these hardworking Americans out of a job, just so some poor, uneducated slob can own a gun?

And what about the terrorists? Without strict gun laws, what’s to prevent Osama II from just strolling into a gun shop and buying a gun?

No, we must strictly vet every gun owner. Only then can we prevent terrorists from buying guns.

But just because Obama supports such common sense gun laws doesn’t mean he’s anti-gun ownership. That’s a calumny. He fully supports legal gun ownership. He’s merely anti illegal guns.

Just like pro-border control folks are merely anti illegal immigration.

The wedding of Katie Kirkpatrick

The story of Katie Kirkpatrick is simultaneously one of the sweetest and saddest I’ve ever read. This is why we need cryonics now.

AirBed and Breakfast

What is AirBed & Breakfast?

AirBed & Breakfast is an online marketplace for peer-to-peer traveling.

We enable people to earn money by renting out extra space, and offer travelers a viable alternative to hotels.
How it works

It’s simple. Nice folks, folks like you, list their guest rooms, futons, and even couches on the site and set a price per night. Adventurous travelers looking for a place to stay can search the listings for an accomodation that’s just right. When they find a match, guests can book your room via credit card. You receive a notification to check out their profile, and decide if the guest is appropriate for your pad. When you accept a guest, contact information is exchanged, itineraries emailed, and the transaction is completed confirming the reservation.

How can I help you?

It gives me pleasure when I can help other people. Sometimes it’s obvious what others need or want, but I’m sure that there are many desires that go unfilled simply because I’m unaware of them. Often, people feel shy about asking because they don’t want to impose. Therefore, please consider this an open invitation to tell me your desires. I make no guarantees that I will be able or willing to help, but if I can help consistent with those constraints, I will.

Float by Okooko, designed by David Trubridge

A very beautiful bed:

Float is hand crafted from sustainable harvest New Zealand native Totara; a water resistant timber that requires little maintenance in its natural state. Acrylic fabric finished in Teflon encloses the base and canopy of Float. This fabric is superior colour fast fabric from Meridian, Italy (www.mokumtextiles.com) designed for outdoor use. The open-cell foam core mattress structure is suitable for exterior use and promotes fast moisture transportation and evaporation. The operating mechanism is in Stainless Steel.

Origami experts in the house?

I’m working on an art project which requires a rather complex piece of origami. Anyone know an expert origami folder, who I might commission for assistance? Thanks!

Memorial Day Weekend?

I’m thinking about a trip over Memorial Day weekend. Where should I go?