Seasteading social on Saturday
What: March Seasteading Social
When: March 28, 2009 12:00 PM
Where: Click the link below to find out!
Meetup Description: Come out and socialize with your fellow seasteaders! The Starry Plough in Berkeley has graciously offered to host us from 12-4. We’ve got the place to ourselves, so we’ll have plenty of roo
Because we have the space to ourselves for the March Social, we’ve decided to add in a bit of content and special meetings for those who are interested. We’ll be covering some specific areas of interest and Patri will be giving a talk/rant on Libertarianism, so if you’re curious about Sailing, Ocean Engineering, or why Libertarians are dumb, we hope you’ll come out and join us.
Here’s the Schedule:
* 12pm Socializing
* 1pm Libertarian Stupidity – A talk by Patri Friedman
* 1:15pm – Introduction of Sailing Club and Ocean Engineering
* 1:20pm – Sailing Club meeting for interested members, socializing for others.
* 1:50pm – Ocean Engineering meeting for interested members, socializing for others.
* 2:20pm – Socializing
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