Coraline on Valentine’s day

Two hot dates on Valentines day! Woo! Only marred by a cough I contraced the day before. Fortunately, both dates were cool about it, and decided not to bail, even though I offered to reschedule.

Had brunch at St. Michael’s Alley in Palo Alto. I had a salmon scramble. Delicious, but a little pricey. Conversation was fun. We have a lot of common interests — anti-aging, science, unschooling, desire to have children. I’m looking forward to hanging out with her again. Unfortunately, she lives in a distant city, so I’m not sure how often that will happen.

Met my second date at the Century 20 in Redwood City. Saw Coraline in 3D. Lovely visuals, but the plot was flat.

Worth seeing in the theater, although I think it would’ve been just as good in 2D. Afterwards we chatted for a while at La Tartine. She had heard of the Singularity via a mutual friend, but otherwise was unfamiliar with humanity+ ideas (immortalism, seasteading, cryonics). She had the typical concerns about extreme longevity: “the earth will become over-populated”, “I wouldn’t want to live forever in an old person’s body”, etc. She appeared to be most swayed by the argument that people who live thousands of years are more likely to be good stewards of the environment, since they will have to personally live with the ill effects of damage to the environment. Cute and smart. However, she seems to be pretty serious about Judaism. Would like to hang out again though.

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