Faces of Facebook

Until recently, I shunned Facebook as it seemed like another version of Friendster. I really only used my account to respond to other people’s friend requests.

However, I’ve started using it more, and I’ve found that I really like their photo tagging facility. For example, here’s a photo of my high school Academic Decathlon team, on our way to nationals:

It was taken by one of my teammates, Wendee Shulsen. I tagged it with my name, and now it shows up in my album. Cool!


Liberty on the Rocks

Those of you who participated in the Ron Paul campaign probably saw Justine Lam at some point. She was the eCampaign director for the campaign, and she often covered Ron Paul events wearing a hat cam that broadcast live to the world via justin.tv.

She recently moved to the Bay Area, and is planning to start an ongoing social event for local liberty-oriented activists called Liberty on the Rocks. Here’s the announcement:

Well here it goes – looks like Dec. 4 will be the first event for Bay Area Liberty on the Rocks.

Since it’s the first event, I’m not expecting it to be huge, but just a beginning to what this group could become.

It will be important that we create a warm vibe, welcoming liberty-lovers of all stripes and allowing political/philosophical/activist/whatever discussions to flourish over libations. Please invite friends, coworkers, family members, anyone that would be friendly toward the ideas and that cares about the direction our country/state is taking.

When? Thursday, Dec. 4 at 7:00PM

Where? @ Ye Olde Hut by the Rockridge Station in Oakland. 5515 College Avenue (between Forest St & Lawton Ave) Oakland, CA 94618

Facebook RSVP

Eventful RSVP

I’m planning to be there–I hope some of you can make it too!

Quantum of Beefcake

Spoilers and NSFW beefcake below!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Benevolent Four Party

Sea Gliders Show Underwater and Off-World Potential

Underwater gliders work by being buoyantly nearly neutral while near the water’s surface, so that they sink slowly down. Very slowly – full steam ahead is under one knot. As they sink, an internal weight is shifted toward the lateral direction the vehicle should go – if you want to go straight, just shift the weight forward to tilt the nose down a bit. Then to rise, pump an oil contained inside the hull into external sacks – this simple maneuver increases the craft’s volume, and thus lowers its density just enough that now the surrounding water wants to push it upward.

A view from below

One model, sixty years


Ballet Nude (NSFW)


Tiny house builder in Vermont

Via Tiny House Blog