Reality Based Fighting Concepts

Anybody take this course? Thoughts?

I was fortunate enough to recently attend the two day course put on by Lee
Aldrige and Roger (Last Name Unknown) from Reality Based Fighting Concepts /

First of all let me say that Lee and Roger exceeded my expectations in all
areas during this course. My money was extremely well spent. I would not
hesitate to recommend this course to both beginners and advanced students of
self defense.

The course lasted from 10am to 4pm on both Saturday and Sunday. This was a
perfect amount of time for the material that was taught. By the time Sunday
afternoon rolled around all students had learned basic strikes, the
Cowcatcher, weapon disarms, and had been exposed to basic ground escapes.

Beyond just being exposed to a series of techniques and applying them to a
pad holding partner the students had the chance to apply the techniques
under stress using both the Bulletman Suit and the Shocknife. In my opinion
validation is necessary to prove to the student the applicability of the
technique under stress. I was thankful that Lee and Roger gave us plenty of
this. The Bulletman Suit and Shocknife are outstanding training aids that
both enable the student to strike as hard as they can as well as feel the
stress of self preservation when being attacked with a knife.

Lee and Roger’s teaching style was very conducive to a group of adult
learners. Lee and Roger demonstrated the techniques, allowed the student to
test the technique on a pad, then quickly moved to applying the technique on
the Bulletman Suit to get the student used to striking a person vice a pad
– aiding in the student visualizing the technique’s use in a fight. In
addition to Lee and Roger being able to easily convey their curriculum they
were also able to answer questions from students about techniques they had
learned at other courses and why they are better or possibly riskier in
application then the RBFC curriculum.

Dino and Ashley were great hosts. Their facility was perfect for this type
of instruction and I would not hesitate to attend a course there again
work-schedule willing.

Now on to what I learned…

- Under stress I default to hammer-fists and elbows more then any other

- Under stress I forgot to buck when I was tackled and taken to the ground.
This is something I need to work on and when I asked to try it again Lee and
Roger obliged me by tackling me again.

- Lee and Roger’s curriculum for gun disarms is the best I’ve seen so far.

- The Bulletman Suit and Shocknife go a hell of a long way to building the
confidence of the student regarding their ability to hit hard as well as
control a knife wielding opponent with the stress of self-preservation
kicking in.

- I wore a heart rate monitor during a few of the scenarios and it peaked at
137 during the force on force scenarios. I was pleasantly surprised. It
returned to a “waiting for my turn again” rate of 80 within two minutes.

Overall if you haven’t yet had the RBFC experience you are missing out. I’ve
been to CQD, Crucible, and served as an Instructor with a PMC. Based upon
these experiences I know when I see great training and have no hesitation in
saying that Lee and Roger’s curriculum and their ability to teach is easily
on par with the best in the business.
Lee Aldridge
Head Instructor
Reality Based Fighting Concepts

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