Muto Wall Painting

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Post-wedding Shooty Goodness

Kit shoots the Glock 19 with silencer. Yes, she’s still wearing her veil. And tiara.



Removal of the garter (and other rituals)



Most. Secure. Wedding. Ever.

(picture courtesy of kimatha)


Wedding pictures

Awaiting canon fire.



Empress and Commander wedding pictures

A first cut of pictures from the wedding of the Empress and Commander (aka Kitiara and abz6598). I’ll post a selection of my favorites a bit later.

It’s done! The Empress and Commander have joined forces, and exchanged the rings of power. So if you see partywhipple fly in on a pale horse, flaming sword in hand, you’ll know why.

Revelations, people! Read your Bible. It’s all in there.

(P.S. The huckleberry wedding cake was deliciious.)

Death is watching

Via riotclitshave

Dress pants and dress shirt?

Any recommendations for a source of good quality dress shirt/pants? I’m looking for black dress pants and a white dress shirt. Local (SF Bay Area) sources preferred, but mail order suggestions also welcome. Thanks for any suggestions!

The Hidden Costs of Documentaries

Good thing we have copyright, to encourage artists to create new works.

The Hidden Cost of Documentaries

Clearance costs – licensing fees paid to copyright holders for permission to use material like music, archival photographs and film and news clips – can send expenses for filmmakers soaring into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Jonathan Caouette’s “Tarnation,” for instance – a portrait of a young man’s relationship with his mentally ill mother that Mr. Caouette edited at home, on a laptop computer – was widely reported to have cost $218. In fact, after a distributor picked up “Tarnation,” improved the quality with post-production editing and cleared music rights, the real cost came to more than $460,000. Clearance expenses were about half the total.