Bush/Clinton Dynasty

There’s a good chance that Hilary’s going to win the Democratic nomination, and the Presidency. If she does, she will also likely win a second term. If that happens, the Presidency will have been controlled for 28 years by only two families:

1988 – Bush
1992 – Clinton
1996 – Clinton
2000 – Bush
2004 – Bush
2008 – Clinton
2012 – Clinton

In 2016, Jeb Bush will be 63, still young enough to run for two Presidential terms. Therefore, there’s a non-negligible chance that our Presidency will be controlled as follows:

1988 – Bush
1992 – Clinton
1996 – Clinton
2000 – Bush
2004 – Bush
2008 – Clinton
2012 – Clinton
2016 – Bush
2020 – Bush

By 2024, Chelsea Clinton will be 44 years old, old enough to run herself. The Bush family certainly has enough kids in the wing to continue the dynasty too.

When two families have a good chance of controlling the presidency for over a quarter of a century, it suggests to me that there’s a systemic problem with our selection process. After all, out of the 300+ million people in the U.S., do you really think that the people best suited to lead would come from one of two families?

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