Court approves strip searching 13 year old girls

Court rules school officials acted properly in strip search

Safford Middle School officials did not violate the civil rights of a 13-year-old Safford girl when they forced her to disrobe and expose her breasts and pubic area four years ago while looking for a drug, according to the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling.

The justices voted 2-1 in favor of the Safford School District on Sept. 21. The decision upheld a federal district court’s summary judgement that Safford Middle School Vice Principal Kerry Wilson, school nurse Peggy Schwallier and administrative assistant Helen Romero did not violate the girl’s Fourth Amendment rights on Oct. 8, 2003, when they subjected her to a strip search in an effort to find Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory drug sold over the counter and in prescription strengths.

The Safford School District has since (in 2005) adopted a policy that states, “Disrobing of a student is overly instrusive for purposes of most student searches and is improper without express concurrence from school district counsel.”

The girl’s mother filed a federal law suit against the district and Middle School officials because they forced her daughter to strip down to her underwear then move her bra and panties in such a way that her breasts and pubic area were exposed. The mother also asserts that she was not notified of the impending search.

In the opinion written by Judge Richard Clifton, “Based on the information available to them, defendants (Safford School District, Wilson, Schwallier and Romero) had ‘reasonable grounds’ for suspecting that the search of (the girl’s) person would turn up evidence that (the girl) had violated or was violating either the law or the rules of the school.”

Via patrissimo

Thank you, God…

…for giving Natalie Portman a taste for roles in pretentious art flicks. The good stuff starts about minute 8:00. (NSFW)

Indra’s mount

You know, I think religion is a memetic meta-parasite. One that, with luck, will eventually fade into extinction.

But damn, if religion doesn’t inspire some cool architecture:




Via levelhead.

On the Mountain (with Stuart Davis)

Yeah, baby, yeah!

I’ve updated my OKCupid ad! Please, no shoving!


A Wonderful Madness

Wolfstone Halloween Technology

Lot’s ‘o nifty Halloween technology here

McGroovy’s box rivets

How to build play structures out of cardboard boxes and box rivets with McGroovy’s box rivets.


Bush/Clinton Dynasty

There’s a good chance that Hilary’s going to win the Democratic nomination, and the Presidency. If she does, she will also likely win a second term. If that happens, the Presidency will have been controlled for 28 years by only two families:

1988 – Bush
1992 – Clinton
1996 – Clinton
2000 – Bush
2004 – Bush
2008 – Clinton
2012 – Clinton

In 2016, Jeb Bush will be 63, still young enough to run for two Presidential terms. Therefore, there’s a non-negligible chance that our Presidency will be controlled as follows:

1988 – Bush
1992 – Clinton
1996 – Clinton
2000 – Bush
2004 – Bush
2008 – Clinton
2012 – Clinton
2016 – Bush
2020 – Bush

By 2024, Chelsea Clinton will be 44 years old, old enough to run herself. The Bush family certainly has enough kids in the wing to continue the dynasty too.

When two families have a good chance of controlling the presidency for over a quarter of a century, it suggests to me that there’s a systemic problem with our selection process. After all, out of the 300+ million people in the U.S., do you really think that the people best suited to lead would come from one of two families?

The Hargrave

You know, when I have kids, I’m going to have a hard time not behaving like the Mom in The Hargrave commercial.