Mail Iowa (for Ron Paul)
We’ve had a great response to our Call Iowa program, and while we still need your help making phone calls, we have another option available now for people interested in volunteering: The Mail Iowa Program!
We are asking for volunteers from Iowa and across the country to write letters to Iowans to spread the word about the Straw Poll. This is a great way for us to personally contact all the voters that we can’t reach by phone, and really display how passionately our supporters believe in Congressman Ron Paul.
The Mail Iowa program is another fantastic opportunity to volunteer with the official campaign! Many of our supporters have inquired about a mailing campaign, and we think sending personal letters is the best way to do it. This is also a great option for people who are not comfortable on the phone, but still want to help.
We invite you to contact us if you are interested in volunteering to write to Iowans. You are also welcome to contact us on behalf of your group, if you have several local volunteers who are interested in working together on this. If you would like to help please send us an e-mail at [email protected] and let us know how many letters you are interested in sending. We will send you a list of addresses, and a letter you can either copy, or use as a starting point to write your own letter. Then you just write the letters, address the envelopes, stick on your own stamps, and drop them in the mail!
Please note that this e-mail address is for our Mail Iowa program ONLY. Because of the large response anticipated to this program we will only be able to respond to requests for addresses or Mail Iowa relevant questions.
We are very excited to be able to get everyone involved on a national scale to help get out the vote in Iowa. We welcome everyone’s help, even if you can only write a few letters. We are looking forward to hearing from everyone! Don’t forget, if you haven’t RSVP’d for the Straw Poll yet, please do so now at We’ll see you there!
Joe Seehusen
Iowa State Coordinator
Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee
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