Airship attacked and burned by Mexican villagers

Since that first airship 30 year ago, Walden has refined and built several full-scale models. He currently favors the more aerodynamic `flying saucer shape’. He also founded his own company – LTAS ( Lighter than Air Solar Corporation of Nevada)- and patented a system to make airships more stable at different altitudes.

His most ambitious project was a full size saucer that he created with friend and partner Mario Sanchez Roldan. With over five million dollars from a Mexican potato chip company that was keenly interested in the airship as an advertising tool, they created a huge airship called the MLA-32-B. It was a staggering 32 metres in diameter and four storeys high.

It was destroyed in a freak accident seven years ago, explained Walden. Engine problems forced an emergency landing in a remote Mexican village. When local villagers saw the gigantic flying saucer glide to its silent landing they feared they were aliens onboard and attacked the ship with knives, guns and sticks.

“They completely destroyed it. You have to think of a 105 foot [32 metres] flying saucer, not making any noise, landing in your village and a guy twice your size gets out in a silver flight suit and jacket.well you can image what they thought,” he said.

Note: I’ve not found much else about this craft online, so take this story with a grain of salt.

links for 2007-05-19

  • Ron Paul’s Voting record
    (tags: ron_paul politics)
  • How to use Shark and sample to profile code performance
    (tags: profiler programming sample shark)
  • ruby -e ‘puts $LOAD_PATH’
    (tags: ruby mac programming)
  • Installing Rails on ubuntu
    (tags: rails ruby ror programming)

links for 2007-05-18

  • Ron Paul responds to Rudy Guiliani on CNN
    (tags: ron_paul politics)
  • Chalmer’s Johnson explains the blowback theory
    (tags: blowback politics ron_paul)
  • Chalmers Johnson essay on blowback
    (tags: blowback politics ron_paul)
  • 19 round 12 guage shotgun drum
    (tags: guns)
  • Tons of phone calls endorsing Ron Paul on C-Span’s Washington Journal this morning following last night’s debate
    (tags: ron_paul politics)
  • Ron Paul on FOX News: Neil Cavuto, May 15th
    (tags: ron_paul politics)
  • they had coaxed the human brain into growing new nerve cells, a process that for decades had been thought impossible, simply by putting subjects on a three-month aerobic-workout regimen.
    (tags: exercise intelligence)
  • How to convert MySQL scripts to PostgreSQL
    (tags: postgres databases)
  • OReilly postgresql book
    (tags: postgresql ruby databases)
  • (tags: posgresql programming databases)
  • (tags: mysql postgresql databases)
  • (tags: postgresql mysql databases)
  • A reimplemenation of as many MySQL functions as possible in PostgreSQL, as an aid to porting.
    (tags: postgresql mysql databases)
  • PL/pgSQL is a procedural language similar to Oracle’s PL/SQL. It’s much more powerful than pure SQL in that it supports variables, conditional expressions, looping constructs, exceptions, and the like.
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  • this is a very simple guestbook example, i found that tere are not that many
    //postgreSQL examples out there for the very beginners, so here is one
    (tags: posgresql php databases)

Educating Rudy

Wolf Blitzer interviews Ron Paul

links for 2007-05-17

  • Though produced by some anti-Mormon sect, this is a mostly accurate cartoon about Mormon theology
    (tags: mormons religion)
  • Rudy Giuliani made clear in Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate that he is not ready to let the facts get in the way of his approach to foreign policy.
    (tags: ron_paul libertarianism politics)
  • the First Person GameRunner (patent pending) is a treadmill for playing first person shooters. The controller is a set of handlebars that the user steers and aims with as they walk around.
    (tags: games exercise selfhelp)
  • More ruby-dbi instructions
    (tags: ruby ruby-dbi databases programming)
  • Console 2: a free(as in beer), lightweight, stable, configurable, transparent, tabbed, command line terminal for windows.
    (tags: console windows programming)
  • A Mac-esque Rails Development Environment on Windows
    (tags: ruby rails windows mac programming)
  • The biggest problems in building a shelter are political and bureaucratic. There is a psychology against shelters and the general opinion is that anyone who builds one – is crazy.
    (tags: ark_two survivalism)
  • Documentary which pushes the notion that Jesus never existed

    (tags: religion)
  • The AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin allows you to add Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) ads to your WordPress posts.
    (tags: wordpress)
  • Ron Paul at the Republican Debates
    (tags: ron_paul politics)

Mormon Theology

Although apparently created by some anti-Mormon group, this is a mostly accurate of Mormon theology:


* There was no vote in heaven. God chose Jesus. Other spirit children (you and I) got to chose who to follow, but the winner was not up for vote. It was not a democracy.

* Joseph Smith won’t stand in judgment, that role is reserved for Christ.

* Joseph Smith is highly revered, but is considered a prophet akin to Moses or Noah, not on a par with Christ himself.

* Although there was mention of a Heavenly Mother, I was not taught that God had multiple wives. And although God is said to have created many spirit children, the exact manner of their creation was never specified.

Although these may have been the teachings at one time, they were not emphasized when I was growing up:

* Jesus was married to Mary, Martha, and Mary Magdelene

* Joseph Smith was a decendent of Jesus Christ.

* Elohim had physical sex with the virgin Mary.

GEEK: How to install ruby-dbi on cygwin


Mitt Romney: “I can’t imagine anything more awful…”

Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time knows that I have a generally low opinion of politicians. But Mitt Romney particularly rubs me the wrong way. To understand why, know that I was raised in the Mormon church, and considered myself a member until I was 19 or so. (I’m probably still on the membership rolls somewhere.)

The Mormon church is staunchly anti-abortion. Consider these quotes:

The First Presidency has stated: “Abortion must be considered one of the most revolting and sinful practices in this day…” President Ezra Taft Benson stated: “we oppose and abhor the damnable practice of wholesale abortion and every other unholy and impure act which strikes at the very foundation of the home and family, our most basic institutions.” He also warned members of the Church “in all seriousness that you who submit yourselves to an abortion or to an operation that precludes you from safely having additional healthy children are jeopardizing your exaltation and your future membership in the kingdom of God.

Church members “guilty of being parties to the sin of abortion must be subjected to the disciplinary action of the councils of the Church as circumstances warrant.” Such discipline, which applies to all parties consenting to the evil act, may include excommunication from the Church. President Spencer W. Kimball taught: “There is such a close relationship between the taking of a life and the taking of an embryonic child, between murder and abortion, that we would hope that mortal men would not presume to take the frightening responsibility. . . .”

Ezra Taft Benson and Spencer W. Kimball were the Prophets during most of my childhood. For Mormons, the Prophet is the voice of God on earth. When the prophet says that abortion is like murder, it might as well be God talking. Therefore, most Mormons oppose abortion, except when the life of the mother is at stake.

Of course, this presented a problem for Romney. Massachusetts voters are one of the most liberal in the country, and staunch supporters of abortion rights. So what did Romney do when he ran for governor?

Why, he discovered that he was an abortion rights supporter after all! His wife even donated money to Planned Parenthood.

During the 2002 governor’s race, Romney’s platform stated, “As Governor, Mitt Romney would protect the current pro-choice status quo in Massachusetts. No law would change. The choice to have an abortion is a deeply personal one. Women should be free to choose based on their own beliefs, not the government’s.” Romney promised to “preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose” and declared “I will not change any provisions in Massachusetts’ pro-choice laws”. In that campaign for governor, Romney received the endorsement of Massachusetts Republican Pro-Choice Coalition.

And now, when he’s running for President, and needs the support social conservatives to win the Republican nomination?

Yep, his stance on abortion evolved. He now he says he’d like to repeal Roe v. Wade.

He’s also taking some heat for Mormonism’s polygamous past. Keep in mind that Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon religion, had approximately 30 wives. Brigham Young, Joseph Smith’s successor and leader of the exodus to Utah, also had dozens of wives. Both men are revered as prophets on a par with Moses. Polygamy, though no longer practiced on earth, is still considered a celestial doctrine, that will continue to be practiced in the afterlife.

Yet when asked about polygamy, Mitt Romney says:

“I can’t imagine anything more awful than polygamy.”


I don’t understand why Romney bothers to claim he’s a Mormon, when he’s quite clearly willing to abandon his religious beliefs whenever they become politically inconvenient for him.

GEEK: PostgreSQL connectivity on Cygwin

I found Steve Litt’s Ruby Database Connectivity article quite helpful for configuring ruby access to PostgreSQL on Cygwin. However, I ran into a couple of errors while running the sample files which I detail below:
