links for 2007-04-29

  • Lot’s of different dictionaries
    (tags: dictionary firefox:toolbar)
  • Given that there are tons and tons of forums and help sites for AdSense but none for Project Wonderful, I thought I’d make one.
    (tags: projectwonderful blogs blogging)
  • There are anomalies. Steve “Freakonomics” Levitt and … Sudhir Venkatesh calculated that Chicago drug dealers seemed to value their entire lives at $50,000 to $100,000—low indeed, even for poor young men whose career choice indicates a taste for risks
    (tags: life_extension economics)

links for 2007-04-28

  • My tips:
    When installing Windows, enter only a first name for user name.

    Create softlinks:
    cygwin> ln -s ‘C:/Documents and Settings/cplager/Desktop’ Desktop
    cygwin> ln -s ‘C:/Documents and Settings/cplager/My Documents’ Documents

    (tags: cygwin ruby watir)
  • In parallels, set your windows HDD size to at least 20 GB. If you install all of cygwin, it will take up at least 7 GB.
    You can check the setup.exe log file at /var/log/setup.log.full.
    (tags: cygwin programming)
  • To generate /etc/passwd for all the local Windows accounts, try:

    mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd

    (tags: cygwin mkpasswd programming)
  • Tinyurl Creator -With a simple right click, this extension contacts the tinyurl website and copies the new url into your clipboard. Neat, huh?
    (tags: firefox plugins)
  • Vimplugin is a Eclipse plugin that brings the power of the editor Vim to the Eclipse IDE.
    (tags: vim eclipse programming)
  • This article describes how to customize the Start menu, the Programs menu, or any other menu below the Programs menu (such as the Startup menu, which contains programs that are started automatically when you start Windows).
    (tags: windows programming)
  • How do I uninstall all of Cygwin?
    (tags: cygwin windows programming)
  • As a side note, TweakUI is a collection of nifty little programs released by the developers at Microsoft after release of a major release of Windows.
    (tags: windows tweakui programming)
  • Most sites give you cryptic Windows registry and DOS commands to remove a file, but the answer is so much simpler. Get a copy of MoveOnBoot. It’s free and this simple tool allows you to Move, Copy or Delete files before Windows can lock or alter the files
    (tags: moveonboot windows programming)
  • kevin sibilev, developer of ruby-debug gem
    (tags: blogs rails ruby ruby-debug programming)
  • 1. Eat Fewer Calories and Monitor Your Intake
    2. Weigh Yourself Daily but Don’t Obsess Over It
    3. Plan your meals for the following day
    (tags: diet selfhelp)
  • This plugin makes it easy to output a list of your Ma.gnolia bookmarks anywhere on your site. You can set it to only pull bookmarks with a specific tag, which is great for listing sites related to a specific category or post.
    (tags: magnolia wordpress blogging)
  • Bikini’s? Body jewelry? Sex toys? All of the above?
    (tags: sex sex_toys nsfw)
  • Slinky chair
    (tags: slinky_chair microhousing)

My daemon

Henry Kissinger was right


“We got married on August 21, 2005 (three months after we first met) outside on The Green.”

links for 2007-04-27

  • Add pagination to your blog
    (tags: paginate wordpress blogging)
  • Skype phone that let’s you make calls anywhere you can get a wifi connection
    (tags: skype phone)
  • A Wii SDK (Software Development Kit) costs around $1700, which is super cheap compared to other platforms (the Playstation 3 SDK is around $50,000). Here’s how to apply for one…
    (tags: wii sdk)

How much did ZeFrank earn from his “Gimme Some Candy” promotion?

According to Collections, he made about $28,535 from October of 2006 to March of 2007.

On Saturday, the epic journey that has been Ze Frank’s The Show, came to an end. With Ze’s final show, he closed out the promised year (minus weekends and holidays) of his daily energetic ramblings. Back in October he added the Gimme Some Candy donation system, where viewers could donate various amounts of money to the show, and get a simple ducky or jewel icon and custom message displayed on The Show’s site. For whatever reason, I started tracking the total donations for each day when I watched The Show. And here’s what I came up with:

Total Ze Frank donations: $28,535
Total from Bling Duckies ($250 each): $3,750
Total from Big Duckies ($50 each): $15,400
Total from Little Duckies ($10 each): $7,540
Total from Jewels ($5 each): $1,845
Highest single day (the last day of the show): $6,045
Average daily donations (including the last day): $297
Modified average (minus first two days’ spikes, Valentines, and final day): $170

GEEK: How to install a link cloud to a WordPress blog


GEEK: Postalicious, dreamhost, and the case of the stripos function


GEEK: ruby object methods

If you want a list of all a ruby object’s methods, try this:

puts object.public_methods.sort

Homeland Security Follies

A great interview with Bruce Schneier by R.U. Sirius:

I think we should ratchet passenger screening down to pre-9/11 levels. I like seeing positive bag matching. That’s something that was done in Europe for decades. The U.S. airlines screamed and screamed and refused to do it, and now they are.

Really, I would take all the extra money for airport security and have well-trained guards, both uniformed and plainclothes, walking through the airports looking for suspicious people. That’s what I would do. And I would just give back the rest of the money. If we secure our airport and the terrorists go bomb shopping malls, we’ve wasted our money. I dislike security measures that require us to guess the plot correctly because if you guess wrong, it’s a waste of money. And it’s not even a fair game. It’s not like we pick our security, they pick their plot, we see who wins. The game is we pick our security, they look at our security, and then they pick their plot. The way to spend money on security – airport security, and security in general — is intelligence investigation and emergency response. These are the things that will be effective regardless of what the terrorists are planning.

Via instapundit