The Old Negro Space Program

A documentary about the little-known Negro space program:

Enter the Matrix?

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has snapped up 5000 of the following recruitment posters:

Via Julian Sanchez.

Naughty music video

Via : naughty, NSFW music video. No nudity, but quite suggestive nonetheless.

A good gummin'

If you aren't reading , diary of an Australian psych ward nurse, you should.

A recent entry:

It's my birthday today, so yesterday I put up an envelope in the office with 'uberjeep's birthday: donations' written on it. I opened it up this evening and found one measly hand scrawled note with this written on it:

Valid for one blow job from room 28
Only after 9pm when dentures removed
One Night Only

Jesus. The frozen pinnacle of psychiatry. Well, I'll keep it handy, in the unlikely event that I fancy a good gumming some time this evening.

Ray Kurzweil interviewed on NPR's Here and Now

Kurzweil invented the first print-to speech reading machine for the blind, the first music synthesizer, and, in the early 90's, he predicted a world wide computer network, the dominance of intelligent weapons in warfare, and the defeat of a human chess champion by a computer.

So when Kurzweil speaks, people listen. Now he's saying that in the near future blood cell sized robots called nanobots will travel our bloodstreams making repairs. He sees this as one part of a larger trend of achieving immortality through technology.

Kurzweil's new book, which is coming soon, is titled “The Singularity is Near, When Humans Transcend Biology.”