Why Bring up Hydrogen Again?


Why Bring up Hydrogen Again?
F. Marc de Piolenc
It seems like a reasonable question. After all, hydrogen
as lifting gas is the public-relations bête noire of LTA.
Didn’t it cause the destruction of the Hindenburg “and
all on board?” Isn’t it “explosive?” What do we need it
for, anyway? We have helium, after all. It’s safe,
non-explosive…generations of publicists have told us

Three Reasons
There are three reasons to consider hydrogen: efficiency,
cost and availability.
Hydrogen, the simplest atom in the Universe, is also the
most abundant element in the universe. It is the second
most abundant element on Earth, and with a reliable
source of energy is extractible from water by electrolysis
or other convenient means. A supply of hydrogen is there-
fore potentially no farther away than a source of water.
The abundance of helium, on the other hand, is much less,
and in any case has little bearing on its availability. It occurs
as a tiny mass fraction in natural gas; some deposits have
more than others. Its production is therefore a bye-product
of natural gas extraction—-if its extraction is implemented.
Only a few natural gas fields—-those richest in helium—-are
exploited for their helium content due to the cost of the
liquid-air plants used for helium recovery; the helium from
others is vented as an inert minor constituent of the gas
that is burned in furnaces, heaters, stoves, boilers and
engines all over the world. When helium-yielding natural
gas wells are exhausted, helium users may not have the
option, like purchasers of minerals, of exploiting, at higher
cost, lower-yield deposits of helium, because those are
being burned off simultaneously.
The cost and availability of helium both suffer from the
problems inherent in any bye-product, in that both the price
and the availability of helium depend on the demand for
the primary product, natural gas. In times of high natural
gas demand, helium is abundant (natural gas production
may exceed the extractive capacity of the helium plant,
forcing well operators to bypass the helium plant and send
precious helium up the chimney) and helium must be
stored or dumped at low price to make room. If natural gas
demand is low, helium is scarce and of course expensive.
The bottom line is that helium is much more expensive than
hydrogen and—-ignoring momentary fluctuations—-the gap
will widen with time. Eventually, exploitable sources of
helium will be exhausted. It won’t be soon—-natural gas is
a very abundant resource—-but it must happen someday.
This poses a problem that LTA advocates seldom recog-
nize, namely that a resurgence in construction and
operation of large airships, if predicated on the use of
helium for sustentation, could be throttled either by ex-
haustion of helium-rich natural gas deposits or by
insufficient extraction capacity. This was already a concern
in the 1930’s, as noted in Rich van Treuren’s article in this
Supposing helium to be equal in price to hydrogen and
available in unlimited quantity, there is still one paramount
reason to prefer hydrogen, and that is efficiency. The
difference between the gross lift per unit volume of pure
helium and pure hydrogen is very small, but that small
difference is very significant when it comes to the commer-
cial airship’s “bottom line”—-payload. Quoting Burgess:
Effect of the Lift of the Gas Upon the Performance of
There is much misunderstanding and confusion regard-
ing the loss in performance of airships resulting from
decrease in the lift of the gas, especially from the use of
helium instead of hydrogen. It is common practice in
America to take the unit lifts of hydrogen and helium as
.068 and .060 lb./ft
in the standard atmosphere at sea
level. Both units are conservative. From these figures,
11.8% of the gross lift is lost by the use of helium instead
of hydrogen; but the percentage losses of useful and
military or commercial load are much greater because the
weight of the ship empty is a fixed quantity, and the
absolute losses of gross and useful lifts are therefore
Let q = ratio of unit lift of helium to unit lift of hydrogen
u = ratio of useful to gross lift with hydrogen
m = ratio of military or commercial load to gross lift with
Then the fraction of useful load lost by the use of helium
instead of hydrogen is (1—-q)/u; and similarly, the fraction
of military or commercial load lost is (1—-q)/m.
Example. In an airship inflated with hydrogen, it is given
u = .38
m = .20
Find the percentage losses of useful and commercial
loads due to the substitution of helium having 88.2% as
much lift as hydrogen.
Source: Charles P. Burgess: Airship Design (The Ronald Press Company, New York, 1927), Chapter 2—-Size and
Page 2
Loss of useful load is (1—-.882)/.38 = 31.0%
Loss of commercial load is (1—-.882)/.20 = 59.0%
A further loss in performance from the use of helium
follows from the necessity of starting flight with only partial
inflation in order to avoid valving the costly gas as the
altitude is increased. With hydrogen, it is customary to
start a long voyage fully inflated, and gas is valved as fuel
is consumed and the ship gains altitude. This disadvan-
tage of helium may be overcome through the use of
coal-gas in ballonets filling the waste air space, and used
as fuel in flight.
Please note that the proposed “solution” to helium’s eco-
nomic disadvantage requires huge quantities of flammable
gas to be housed aboard the ship—-exactly what helium
was adopted to prevent!
Other comparisons are of course possible, based on equal
gross lift or equal payload, or even (to make the compari-
son more directly applicable to commercial concerns) at
equal productivity—-payload times commercial range times
number of trips per year.
At equal payload, the helium ship will be larger. If the two
ships are to maintain the same speed (which will be
necessary if equal productivity is the basis of comparison),
the helium ship must have the more powerful powerplant,
which entails a weight penalty which is a further deduction
from payload. Keeping payloads equal forces the helium
ship to be made larger still, and so on until convergence is
reached at some larger (perhaps much larger) size. Size
is important, as it determines the cost of all the support
infrastructure as well as the first cost of the ship. If that is
not trouble enough, consider that productivity is the air-
ship’s weakness vis–vis heavier-than-air transport, due to
its low flight speed, need for a relief crew and other factors.
All of the foregoing suggests very strongly that no factor
that could give LTA an edge should be neglected; yet every
major LTA project and study is predicated on the use of
helium, because the danger of using hydrogen for susten-
tation is held (usually tacitly) to outweigh any economic
One Objection: Safety
Which brings us to the only sustainable objection to using
hydrogen, namely safety. Inasmuch as hydrogen is usually
dismissed as a lifting gas by reference to the Hindenburg
disaster, this issue contains two important pieces on that
subject: The US Department of Commerce’s excellent
summary of the conclusions of the two official inquiries into
the events of May 6, 1937 and Rich van Treuren’s article
presenting Addison Bain’s alternative explanation.
The second piece mentioned, though making up a good
chunk of the volume of this month’s issue, is almost a
digression from the theme of hydrogen safety in airships.
The basis for that astonishing comment? Even if we accept
the assumption of the two commissions that the accumu-
lation and subsequent ignition of a combustible
hydrogen/air mixture was the root cause of the disaster to
the Hindenburg, a careful reading of the commissions’
findings gives a rather startling result, namely that in order
for the disaster to take place as it was thought to have
unfolded, an amazing and highly improbable sequence of
events had to take place in exact order and with very
precise timing, depending in turn upon an equally improb-
able combination of circumstances. An unbiased reader is
forced to the conclusion that in an airship designed for it,
with a suitably trained crew, hydrogen is very safe. That
this is not the conclusion usually drawn from LZ-129’s final
voyage is obvious, and that alone should give pause for
Addison Bain’s work, which implicates the outer cover as
both the original ignition source and as the major propaga-
tor and damage mechanism, and emphasizes the role of
fuel in this and other airship accidents, serves not only to
explain certain features of the calamity ignored or dis-
missed by the official conclusions, but also to explain the
fact that adoption of helium as a lifting gas did not stop the
occurrence of fire in airships—-far from it.
It is worth reviewing what is known about hydrogen and
considering the uses to which it has been put since it was
all but abandoned as a lifting gas.
As every reader of this magazine knows, hydrogen is not
explosive or combustible in and of itself. No fire or explo-
sion can occur unless an oxidizing agent is present, usually
oxygen. We are interested in the limits of combustibility in
When mixed into a mass of air, hydrogen can burn at
hydrogen concentrations ranging from 9% to 64%,
a very
wide range indeed. Flame propagation speed at atmos-
pheric pressure is strongly dependent on concentration,
peaking at more than 7 feet/second when the concentra-
tion is in the mid-40s.
Compared to other gases in air, this
is very fast, but it is three orders of magnitude slower than
a detonation wave in a high-explosive compound. There-
fore it is safe to conclude that detonation of a
hydrogen/oxygen mixture can only occur if the mixture is
confined so that pressure and temperature can increase
rapidly, promoting transition from deflagration to detona-
When the opposite occurs and an otherwise pure mass of
hydrogen is contaminated with air, the lower limit seems to
Charles deF. Chandler and Walter S. Diehl: Balloon and Airship Gases (New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1926).
Other authorities give an even wider range.
Don Overs: Flammable Gases (Balloon Federation of America, 1981)
The present writer has in his collection a monograph of some 600 tersely written pages on this topic alone; the complexity of
the subject accounts for the different figures for flame initiation, propagation and detonation given by various competent
Page 3
be about 15% air, the mixture becoming “explosive” at 36%
The lower concentration sustains only a very slow,
rising flame—-and then only under ideal conditions, while
the higher one is easily ignited and burns violently.
Offsetting hydrogen’s combustibility in air is the difficulty of
forming and maintaining a combustible mixture. Hydro-
gen’s low density and high diffusivity make it a climber and
a seeker of wide open spaces, in stark contrast to gasoline
fumes, for instance, which tend to accumulated in low
places and persist in combustible concentrations for ex-
tended periods.
Other properties of hydrogen have made it of continuing
interest to various fields of engineering. Its specific heat
per unit volume is almost identical with that of air, but its
heat conductivity is eight times that of air.
In addition, its
viscosity (a measure of the drag that the gas exerts on solid
bodies in contact with it) is about half that of air. This makes
hydrogen the ideal cooling medium for large electrical
generators where its good conductivity ensures rapid heat
removal and its low viscosity keeps windage losses low.
Hydrogen cooling is used on all large 1,800- and 3,600-
rpm machines and on synchronous condensers and large
frequency-changer sets in order to reduce windage and
provide better cooling…
…If the hydrogen pressure is maintained slightly above
atmospheric pressure so that leakage shall be to the
outside air from the inside of the casing, and if the
hydrogen has a small percentage of heavier gas as
impurity, the windage friction loss may be taken as 10%
of that in air at atmospheric pressure.
The above quotation from a standard electical engineering
manual is significant. Despite the naïveté of the assump-
tion that air can be prevented from diffusing inside the
casing by maintaining a higher absolute pressure inside
(diffusion is driven by differences in partial pressure, not
absolute pressure), it is clear that millions upon millions of
kilowatt-hours are generated daily with high-power electri-
cal machinery bathing in the “deadly” gas credited with
downing the Hindenburg. When did any reader last hear of
a commercial power generating station “blowing up,” or
suffering an explosion in its generators?
Astronautics is probably the hydrogen application best
known to the public. The low molecular weight of hydrogen
and its combustion products and its high combustion en-
ergy per unit mass are the attractions here, and an engine
using hydrogen as fuel and fluorine as the oxidizer would
develop the highest specific impulse (a measure of thrust-
producing efficiency) achievable in a chemical rocket. For
reasons of safety and ease of handling, fluorine is not the
oxidizer of choice, but the liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen
combination has progressed from exotic experimental
status a few decades ago to become a standard fuel/pro-
pellant combination for man-rated spacecraft. NASA’s
Space Transportation System, better known as the Space
Shuttle, uses that combination in its main engines. Inter-
estingly, although the entire STS program has suffered
much adverse criticism over the years—-much of it justi-
fied—-the basic fuel/oxidizer choice has rarely been
questioned, even in the wake of the Challenger accident.
Fortunately for STS, for hydrogen, and perhaps for space
flight in general, the investigators of that calamity were not
forced to make assumptions about its root cause; Chal-
lenger was probably the best-documented and
best-instrumented mishap in the history of transportation.
The solid rocket boosters were shown to be at fault, the
design errors responsible were identified and corrected,
and the system was put back into service.
Nor does what we’ve already seen exhaust the uses of
hydrogen. It is used in numerous welding processes, in-
recombinant-hydrogen process. It is being advocated as
the key component in what some are calling the “hydrogen
economy,” one in which hydrogen will become the energy
storage medium of choice and water vapor the only waste
product exhausted to the atmosphere.
The point of this long digression from LTA is that hydrogen
has many uses today and may well have many more
tomorrow, and the workforce of any developed country
therefore already possesses a diffuse but identifiable
group of people experienced in the safe handling, storage
and use of that gas, not all of them doctors of science
working on the frontiers of technology.
As hydrogen gradually enters the daily life of much of the
world’s population, its advantages and dangers will be
better understood, and by a wider constituency. It’s time
that our industry—-Lighter Than Air—-gave this diatomic
gas another look.
Chandler and Diehl, op. cit.
Chandler and Diehl, op. cit

Notes to myself : seasteading, airsteading, bodyweight exercises

* The biggest problem with using hydrogen with an airship is the flammability. Could hydrogen be made non-flammable (or non-flammable enough) by making it into a foam? Maybe by using fluorocarbons?

* Could you make a autogyro with giant, inflatable helium filled wings? Perhaps using tensairity principles to make the blades rigid enough? What about a helium filled flying wing? Powered parachute?

* Current designs for seasteads call for monolithic ferrocement construction. However, ferrocement is very heavy, and it would be difficult to build the seastead offshore, then transport it to the ocean. Could a variant of panelized construction be used? Maybe design the pillar as an ocatagon, and use tiled interlocking panels. Could they be made water tight? What about expansion/contraction due to thermal differentials?

* What about using pillowdome technology to build a large rigid hexagonal geodesic sphere? How were the pillowdomes made watertight? How much aluminum/tefzel would be required to build a structure sufficient for carrying a family of 4+4? How would such a structure respond to high winds? How could it be safely tethered? Are “airsteads” practical?

* What about using water ballast for seasteads instead of concrete?

* What about using a photovoltaic fabric to cover the surface of the airship? The electricity generated could be used to form hydrogen, and thus keep the sphere perpetually afloat. What are the current limitations of photovoltaic fabrics?

* Could you make a Tent cot akin to a tri-fold stool?

Body weight exercises:

park bench press – lean against park bench in push up position, push against bench with explosive force
assisted squat – lower yourself on one leg, then up, using the other leg to assist as necessary
frog squat – hunker into squat position, then walk forward in the position
air pushups – alternately push your arms into the air, as if you were walking on your hands
lunge walk – self-explanatory
leap frog – self-explanatory
bear crawl – bend over and place your hands on the ground. Keep your legs fairly straight so that your body forms an inverted v. Walk forward

Parabounce Pedal Powered Balloon

Parabounce makes some awesome toys, especially this pedal powered balloon (link to flash movie):

Insomnia drug Lunesta receives FDA approval

[A couple of my friends suffer from insomnia -- thought this might be of interest to them.]


Lunesta (eszopiclone), a new non-narcotic prescription sleep aid from Sepracor, received FDA approval on December 15, 2004. Lunesta represents a new treatment option for those suffering from insomnia; Lunesta not only helps people fall asleep quickly, it helps them sleep restfully through the night, with fewer interruptions, and wake up refreshed and ready to start the day. While current sleeping aids are generally limited to seven to 10 days of use, Lunesta is the first and only prescription sleep aid not limited to short-term use. Physicians can prescribe Lunesta for as long as they determine their patients may need it.

FDA-approved press release

LUNESTA(TM) Brand Eszopiclone, Formerly ESTORRA, Approved by FDA for Treatment of Insomnia
Sepracor Inc. to Launch Product in January 2005

MARLBOROUGH, Mass., Dec 16, 2004 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ — Sepracor Inc. (Nasdaq: SEPR) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the New Drug Application (NDA) for LUNESTA(TM) brand eszopiclone, formerly referred to as ESTORRA, 1 mg, 2 mg and 3 mg tablets for the treatment of insomnia. Insomnia can include difficulty falling asleep as well as difficulty maintaining sleep through the night. The recommended dosing to improve sleep onset and/or maintenance is 2 mg or 3 mg for adult patients (ages 18 to 64) and 2 mg for older adult patients (ages 65 and older). The 1 mg dose is for sleep onset in older adult patients whose primary complaint is difficulty falling asleep.

(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20041216/NYTH050 )

Data from a landmark, long-term (six-month), double-blind, placebo- controlled safety and efficacy study in 788 patients were reviewed by the FDA as part of the NDA submission for eszopiclone and served as a basis for the FDA's decision to not limit LUNESTA's indication to short-term use. Sepracor's six-month study was the first of its kind for a prescription non- benzodiazepine for the treatment of insomnia.

“This novel non-benzodiazepine sleep aid provides a new option for the millions of Americans with chronic insomnia. Unlike all other available prescription sleep aids, which are generally indicated for short-term use, eszopiclone has been studied and approved for use when longer-term treatment is needed,” said Andrew Krystal, M.D., Director of the Sleep Disorder Research Laboratory and Insomnia Program at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC. “The six-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of eszopiclone provides unprecedented evidence of sustained efficacy. There were statistically significant improvements in patient-reported measures of sleep onset and sleep maintenance versus placebo for the entire duration of the study with no evidence of tolerance.”

LUNESTA is indicated for the treatment of patients who experience difficulty falling asleep as well as for the treatment of patients who are unable to sleep through the night (sleep maintenance difficulty).

“The approval of LUNESTA makes an important treatment option available for patients who have trouble sleeping. Insomnia can include difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep. LUNESTA is an important advance for doctors and patients alike, as it can provide sleep efficacy, even over the long term,” said Thomas Roth, Ph.D., Director of the Sleep Disorders and Research Center at Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit.

“We are very excited about the commercial launch of LUNESTA, which will take place in early January 2005. Sepracor's sales force, which includes approximately 1,250 sales professionals, is trained and ready to promote LUNESTA to primary care doctors, CNS specialists including psychiatrists, and hospitals in the U.S.,” said W. James O'Shea, President and Chief Operating Officer at Sepracor. “We believe that LUNESTA, with its differentiated product label, will provide physicians with a unique treatment option for their insomnia patients, particularly those with sleep maintenance difficulties and those who suffer chronically.”

Sepracor continues to study LUNESTA in patients suffering from insomnia. The company also continues to evaluate LUNESTA for the treatment of insomnia in patients suffering from depression or pain, and in women who are experiencing the effects of perimenopause.

“The approval of LUNESTA is an important milestone for Sepracor,” said Mark H.N. Corrigan, M.D., Executive Vice President of Research and Development at Sepracor. “The dedication and hard work that led to this tremendous achievement continues, as we are conducting a comprehensive Phase IIIB/IV program for LUNESTA. We will soon complete initial IIIB/IV studies, which include more than 2,000 patients. Treatment of insomnia, as it occurs concomitantly with other conditions, is a significant area of scientific interest, and Sepracor remains committed to the further research of LUNESTA for the treatment of patients with these co-existing conditions.”

The LUNESTA NDA contained a total of 24 clinical trials, which included more than 2,700 adult and older adult (ages 65 and older) subjects, and more than 60 preclinical studies. Sepracor conducted six randomized, placebo- controlled Phase III studies for the treatment of chronic or transient insomnia in both adult and older adult patients and included these studies as part of the NDA package, which served as the basis for the FDA's approval of LUNESTA.

An estimated 100 million adult Americans suffer from either chronic or occasional insomnia.(1) Symptoms of insomnia include difficulty falling asleep, awakening frequently during the night, waking up too early, an inability to fall back to sleep, or awakening feeling unrefreshed. Insomnia can be a serious condition. If left untreated, it may become progressively worse and in turn potentially affect a person's emotional, mental and physical health.

The U.S. market for prescription sleep products, not including off-label (not indicated for the treatment of insomnia) use of central nervous system (CNS) agents for the treatment of insomnia, was approximately $2.1 billion between November 2003 and October 2004, representing a 20 percent increase over the same period the previous year, according to IMS Health information.

Please visit http://www.sepracor.com prior to the corporate webcast and conference call at 8:30 a.m. ET on Thursday, December 16, 2004 to access the FDA-approved labeling text.

Important Safety Information

It is important to note that because sleep disturbances may be caused by underlying physical and/or psychiatric disorders, symptomatic treatment of insomnia should be initiated only after a careful evaluation of the patient. The failure of insomnia to remit after 7-10 days of treatment may indicate the presence of a primary psychiatric and/or medical illness that should be evaluated. Patients should only take LUNESTA when they are prepared to get a full night of sleep. Until they know how they will react to LUNESTA, patients should not drive or operate machinery.

In conjunction with this press release, Sepracor will host a conference call and live webcast beginning today at 8:30 a.m. ET. To participate via telephone, dial either (612) 332-0802, (612) 332-0725, or (608) 234-0003. Please call ten minutes prior to the scheduled conference call time. For live webcasting, go to the Sepracor web site at http://www.sepracor.com and access the For Investors section. Click on either the live webcast link or microphone icon to listen. Please go to the web site at least 15 minutes prior to the call in order to register, download, and install any necessary software. A replay of the call will be accessible by telephone after 12:00 p.m. ET and will be available for approximately one week. To replay the call, dial (320) 365-3844, access code 761729. A replay of the webcast will be archived on the Sepracor web site in the For Investors section.

About Sepracor

Sepracor Inc. is a research-based pharmaceutical company dedicated to treating and preventing human disease through the discovery, development and commercialization of innovative pharmaceutical products that are directed toward serving unmet medical needs. Sepracor's drug development program has yielded an extensive portfolio of pharmaceutical compound candidates with a focus on respiratory and central nervous system disorders. Sepracor's corporate headquarters are located in Marlborough, Massachusetts.

This news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including statements with respect to the timing of the commercial launch of, and the safety, efficacy and potential benefits of, LUNESTA brand eszopiclone. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements are: unexpected delays in commercial introduction; Sepracor's ability to fund, and the results of, further clinical trials; the timing and success of submission, acceptance, and approval of additional regulatory filings; the scope of Sepracor's patents and the patents of others; the commercial success of LUNESTA; the ability of the company to attract and retain qualified personnel; and certain other factors that are detailed in the company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

In addition, the statements in this press release represent Sepracor's expectations and beliefs as of the date of this press release. Sepracor anticipates that subsequent events and developments may cause these expectations and beliefs to change. However, while Sepracor may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, it specifically disclaims any obligation to do so. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Sepracor's expectations or beliefs as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.

LUNESTA is a trademark of Sepracor Inc.

(1) Extrapolated to current population from 2000 census based on Ancoli- Israel et al. SLEEP. 1999;22 (suppl 2):S347-S353.

For a copy of this release or any recent release, visit http://www.prnewswire.com/comp/780960.html or http://www.sepracor.com.

SOURCE Sepracor Inc.

David P. Southwell, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial
Officer, or Jonae R. Barnes, Vice President, Investor Relations,
+1-508-481-6700, both of Sepracor Inc.
/Photo: NewsCom: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20041216/NYTH050
AP PhotoExpress Network: PRN1
PRN Photo Desk, [email protected]
/Company News On-Call: http://www.prnewswire.com/comp/780960.html


“Safe Harbor” Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this press release regarding Sepracor Inc.'s business which are not historical facts are “forward-looking statements” that involve risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of such risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see “Risk Factors” in the Company's Annual Report or Form 10-K for the most recently ended fiscal year.

The real dragon

pointed out:

66,000 dead from this Tsunami?

Planet population of 6.4 billion?

That's 1 person dead out of every 97,106 on the planet.

Sounds like the tsunami killed a lot of people, doesn't it? Let's put it into some context. About 52,000,000 people died “natural deaths” in 2001. That works out to be 140,000/day. Assuming that the final death toll reaches 100,000, the tsunami caused less than 1 day's worth of deaths, or about 0.2% of the annual death toll.

So if you think the tsunami deaths are tragic, go ahead and donate.

But you might also wish to kick some funds toward fighting the real dragon.

How to photocopy a book with a digital camera: notes

The copy stand works fine with a small digicam. With the 990, you'd either
hold it on top of the lens opening, or use a filter adapter. The copystand
has 49mm filter threads and the 990 has 28mm. So you'd get a 28-37 adapter
and a 37-49 adapter from www.ckcpower.com (the 28-37 is a specialty item and
kind of expensive but the 37-49 is a standard item and cheap) and use them
to mount the camera on the copy stand. With the S100, I use the CKC Power
S100 filter adapter plus the 28-37 and 37-49.

Unfortunately the Pentax copy stand isn't made any more, but Olympus
apparently makes something similar (I haven't seen it). You could also
try a more normal copy stand, like a Testrite CS-1, or as mentioned, a
tripod with a side arm (Bogen 3001 Pro is probably a good choice–make
sure to get the Pro model with the horizontally-mountable center column).

My complete standard get-up:

- Two Toshiba PDR-M4 cameras, each with a 64MB smartmedia. (If anything
fails, I can keep shooting)
- AC adapter for camera
- Cheapie laptop computer (Compaq LTE 5000-series w/6 GB drive and
PCMCIA-smartmedia adapter)
- AC adapter for laptop
- Two metal bookends
- Two clamp-lamps
- Power strip with at least four outlets
- Heavyduty 25' extension cord. (In case they put me someplace that
doesn't have an available outlet.)
- Simple table-top tripod
- Plastic desktop copy holder


Total weight: about 15 pounds, of which 1/3 is the extension cord.

Bogen Clamp Pod

Where do they find these people?

Michael Gorman, president of the American Library Association, is an idiot too.

Librarian of Congress: stupid dick

[This is dated 04/15/2000, so attitudes may have changed since then, but this makes me furious. Thank [DEITY] for Google.]


Library of Congress Will Not Digitize Books

(April 15, 2000) The Librarian of Congress, James Billington, gave an address at the National Press Club on Friday, April 14, on the role of the Library of Congress in the Information Age. He harshly criticized the Internet, and stated that the Library will not digitize books. However, the Library has plans to expand its web publication of other materials.
The Library of Congress's forthcoming web site, which James Billington describes as “America's web site”, will be located at americaslibrary.gov, starting on April 24.

“So far, the Internet seems to be largely amplifying the worst features of television's preoccupation with sex and violence, semi-literate chatter, shortened attention spans, and near-total subservience to commercial marketing,” said Billington.

Billington said that the Library of Congress has plans to unveil a new web site. “We hope it will realize one of the earliest promises of the Internet: to put the Library of Congress at the fingertips of every boy and girl where they live.”

But then he followed up by stating the “we are not digitizing books, but bringing hitherto little used, specially formatted materials like maps and recordings …” He added that the new web site “is not replacing our traditional print library.”

He said that the Library of Congress now has 28 Million items in its print collection, and 119 Million items in all formats. Its web site currently contains 3 million primary documents, including drafts of the Gettysburg Address, 19th Century baseball cards, and forgotten music.

Billington elaborated on why the Library will not put books online during the question and answer session. “The rationale is two fold. We have so much special format material that nobody has seen that it is more important to get those out.” He added that the Library is more concerned with “rare pamphlets” than “full books”.

“Secondly, behind this … is an implicit belief [that books] are not going to be replaced, and should not be replaced.”

“There is a difference between turning pages and scrolling down,” he said. “There is something about a book that should inspire a certain presumption of reverence.”

“We should be very hesitant … that you are going to get everything you want electronically.”

“You don't want to be one of those mindless futurists,” said Billington, “who sit in front of a lonely screen.”

“It is isolating. It is a lonely thing.” In contrast, “libraries are places, a community thing.”

“It is dangerous to promote the illusion that you can get anything you want by sitting in front of a computer screen.” He described this as “arrogance” and “hubris”.

He added that while electronic books may succeed commercially, they are “seductive.”

Tech Law Journal asked Billington if there is any parallel between hostility to the printing press in the late 15th and early 16th Centuries, and hostility to the Internet today. He stated that there is, but that there is also a significant difference. Billinton explained that some of the hostility to the printing press originated because cheap reproduction made books and pamphlets available to more people. Previously, only kings and an elite few had access to libraries. The printing press made the public library possible. Billington stated that in contrast, public libraries are a “political institution” today.

He also stated that the Reformation was largely fought with the printing press, and that “media revolutions provoke intense debate.”

Billington was also asked whether public libraries which provide Internet access for their patrons should use filtering software. He responded that “we don't provide an answer.”

However, he elaborated that “there should be no question that the tradition of free public libraries … is the absolute platform of essentiality for our democracy.” Furthermore, in public libraries “there is an inherent adversity to censorship.”

He said that at the Library of Congress, the focus is to provide “an example of the good.” In contrast, if the government gets into “defining the bad, you get onto the slippery slope of defining the bad.”

He added that communities should be free to decide.

Riding His Time: Bicycle Bill shows off his pedal-powered home.

[I've posted this before, but I couldn't find it, so here it is again.]

Riding His Time: Bicycle Bill shows off his pedal-powered home.

Pedal Powered

For bicycle mechanic Bicycle Bill, riding a stationary bike isn't just exercise–it's a way of life. Bicycle Bill lives downtown in a pedal-powered home he designed and built himself. The structure, which is 15 feet long, 3 feet wide and 8 feet high, can travel at 3 to 4 miles per hour but has been parked all summer at the Hub for Sustainable Transportation on Walnut Avenue, where Bicycle Bill fixes bikes.

Bills points out that all the electrical devices in his home could be powered by a stationary bicycle hooked up to an electric generator–although his home is currently power by converted energy from candles.

Before he moved to Santa Cruz, Bicycle Bill had already built more than seven pedal-powered vehicles. His favorite, “The Spirit of Bucky Fuller” (named after the fuel-efficient car Buckminster Fuller invented in the 1930s), could travel across the city of Sacramento in 30 minutes. Creating a “body shell” for Bucky gave it better aerodynamics and doubled its speed, Bill explains.

But Bicycle Bill's work these days is no longer focused on speed. He would rather spend time teaching people what he has learned from 19 years of experience designing and building pedal-powered vehicles. He provides weekly bike-maintenance classes at the Hub's Bike Church for a group of middle-school students on Mondays, and he fixes bikes at the church Monday through Thursday from 3pm to 7pm.

Bicycle Bill hopes to promote pedal-powered homes in Santa Cruz as an affordable alternative to conventional housing. He figures that spreading the word would be a good way to get the homeless off the street. “There are other alternatives besides ordinary housing when you're cheated out of the [housing] market,” Bill says. “Your best bet would be to build yourself a pedal-powered house.”

But the dilemma for pedal-powered homeowners in Santa Cruz is finding a place to park their rolling residences. Bicycle Bill needs a new parking space. If you would like to learn more about pedal-powered homes, or if you have a space for rent, you can visit Bicycle Bill at the Hub at 224 Walnut Ave., Santa Cruz, or call 425.0665.

Doodle Bug footlaunched powered hang glider.

Doodle Bug footlaunched powered hang glider.

The Doodle Bug.

Conceived in January 1999, the Doodle Bug was designed to meet a market opening for a compact supine powered harness that requires no major modifications to an existing hang glider wing. The prototype flew in late February and series production started mid June. Since then the Doodle Bug has become Britain's best selling powered harness proving its benefits over its rivals.
The Bug fits onto almost all modern hang glider wings transforming them into a motorised glider that frees you from the constraints of a hill, winch or aerotow. Once the engine is switched off the performance of the hang glider is little affected thanks to the sleek design of the unit.
The Bug has a spacious stowage area behind the pilot allowing you to store a glider bag, sleeping bag or a light weight tent this; coupled with very easy ground handling (for this type of machine) makes for a realistic bivouac tourer.
Launch is very simple requiring only a few steps in a light breeze and will become airborne in less than 25 meters in calm conditions.
After launch the pilot sits back into the seat and then moves his / her legs forward through the control frame.
The support legs are then retracted by pulling down the overhead foot stirrup to support the pilots feet, this automatically retracts the legs along side the fuselage.
The Doodle Bug / hang glider is a true retractable undercarriage aircraft weighing less than 60 kilos.

Controls are typical to the wing that the Bug is attached to with no adverse affects to the flying controls. The side cords of the unit stop any unwanted lateral movement of the engine which inhibits powered spiral instability (tightening into turns).

Landing the Doodle Bug is probably one of the easiest things about the unit. The pilot releases the foot stirrup which allows the legs to swing back ready for landing. After bringing their feet back behind the control bar they then rotate out of the seat and adopt the upright position commonly known as the “Gorilla Position”.

The bug retractable legs in action

The landing approach is made similar to a normal hang glider, with a little additional speed to allow for the extra weight of the unit. After rotation the unit's legs start to drag on the ground and the pilot gently flares the wing to produce a perfect 2 to 3 step landing. The drag from the legs eliminates the need for an aggressive flare.

Because of the Bugs light construction, 21 kilos, the additional weight compared to a normal harness is minimal (approximately 14 kilos). This means that the sink rate of the wing remains little affected, allowing for engine off soaring. The kick start makes air restarting easy and practical, instilling confidence in the system.
The integral fuel tank keeps things clean and streamlined, and with its 8 litre capacity gives an endurance of 4 hours plus. Thank goodness the Bug has the most comfortable harness for its type.

The Radne Raket (Raket is Swedish for Rocket) 120cc two stroke engine produces 14 HP @ 9000 rpm. Its fuel consumption at full power is 3.5 litres / hour and when throttled back to cruise sips fuel at 2 litres / hour. Thanks to its low weight (6.5 kilos), its exceptional reliability and economy the Raket is the obvious choice.
The Radne drives a fixed 2 blade propeller made from laminated yellow poplar for strength and lightness, fitted with a Polyurethene leading edge as standard.