Earl Warren house

Laren Corie writes:

“Back when I was in my first architectural school
(I was seventeen) I showed some of my drawings to
a dear friend who said “Oh, those are just like the
houses in Charlevoix.”?| After about an hour of me
says “Naw, nobody really builds things like that,
These are just my dream houses” she finally had me
convinced, and we had made plans for her to show
me the next day.?| We ended the night early, and
I got up 5:30 the next morning, to be on her door
step at seven.?| I was very excited to think that I
was going to see REAL houses, similar the ones I
was drawing.?| Well, the REAL experience was even
more profound, than I could ever imagine, and it
determine my life's path.?| What I saw, besides the
coolest houses I had ever known, was that my dream,
had been someone else's reality, and that it was very
realistic that I would be able to follow, and turn my
dreams (and perhaps other people's in the process)
in reality. The similarity of the houses was profound,
and was far to big a sign to miss,

Earl Young, was a realtor, builder, developer, and
a very unique building designer. Like me, he realized
that architectural school taught almost nothing about
housing, and that the only way to learn was to get out
and do it, with your mind wide open.?| Earl was also into
tiny houses.?| My very favorites, of his, are the smallest.

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