What I did for my summer vacation.
I flew to Boise, ID. People in hairnets and booties sliced open my eyes with razor blades. Then they fired lasers at my eyeballs at pointblank range.
And Lawndarts are illegal? Yet these people walk the street?
I am, thankfully, not blind. In fact, I can now see 20/20 out of my right eye, and 20/25 out of my left. Without glasses. Without contacts.
Yes, I had LASIK surgery.
I've worn glasses since the sixth grade. My first pair was made of heavy brown plastic with a miniature picture of Linus (of Peanuts fame) along the sides. Y in the early '80's, this was not fashionable.
Now I don't have to blearily hunt for my glasses in the morning. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I can see the clock without peering at it from 5 inches away. No more. Hallelujah.
I would highly recommend Dr.
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