What are your wishes?
What are your top three wishes that could plausibly be realized in the next 5 years? How much would you offer as a prize now to see your wish fulfilled within that time period?
1. Have enough “passive” investment income (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) to provide an income of at least $25 K/year. Assuming that a 4% drawdown is possible without affecting the principal, that would be savings of about $625,000.00 dollars in 2003 dollars.
Prize: $63,000 (assuming that my savings after payment would be $625 K)
2. Find a compatible mate. My “ideal” mate would be:
* Life-loving — Plans to be cryopreserved if she becomes terminally ill/injured. Has so many things that she would like to do it would take several lifetimes at least to achieve them all.
* Freedom loving — Supports the Free State Project and plans to move to the state when chosen.
* Health-conscious — Eats brocolli, fish, and other healthy foods.
* Athletic — Likes to run, lift weights, bike, rollerblade, mountain climb.
* Child-friendly — Wants to have 1 – 2 kids.
* Politically aware — Enjoys discussing politics and economics (among other things).
* Intellectually curious — loves to read on a wide range of subjects. Knows where all the bookstores and libraries are in town.
* Frugal — wants to be financially independent. Values freedom over material goods.
* Kindhearted — doesn't deliberately do anything to hurt anyone else. Makes amends if she does.
* Responsible — pays bills on time, and keeps commitments.
* Action-oriented — if confronted by a problem, she takes what action she can, then forgets about it. Doesn't complain fruitlessly.
* Self-reliant — Doesn't wait for somebody to come rescue her.
* Funny — Likes Simpsons, South Park, Calvin and Hobbes, Bloom County, Get Fuzzy. Laughs at my jokes.
* Optimistic — doesn't give up.
* Sexy — likes to dress in leather pants, reads excerpts from “Machinery of Freedom” while feeding me peeled grapes.
Prize: $5,0000
3. Successfully cryopreserve one of the following mammalian organs — liver, heart, kidney, brain — from one of the following species: rats, rabbits, dogs, cats, monkeys, humans. Successful cryopreservation is defined as cooling the organ below -130'C for 7 days, rewarming it, then transplanting it back into an animal, and the animal surviving using that organ as it's sole source of support for 366 days.
Prize: $10,000
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