Your Money or Your Life

Prompted by 's recent post, I've created the (“Your Money or Your Life”) community for those who're interested in achieving financial independence and/or retiring early. Here's the community bio:

Do you want to be free to choose how you spend your time? Are you sick of working for pointy-headed bosses? Do you have a passion that you would be pursuing, if you only had the money?

Then this community may be for you. It is intended for people who want to achieve financial independence and/or retire early (“FIRE”). The community title comes from the book “Your Money or Your Life” by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin, which explains how you can become financially independent by becoming more careful with how you spend you money and your time. If you haven't thought about achieving financial independence before, it's a good place to start. Another good place is the Retire Early Home Page

Feel free to post your daily money logs, frugality tips, links to articles related to early retirement, questions, etc.

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