Warning: Important News To All Guys Who Go Out To Clubs Or Bars:
I'm not normally one to spread baseless rumors, but this one's important.
Men need to be more alert and cautious when getting a drink offer from a woman. A powerful drug, almost always administered in liquid form, is now being used by female sex predators at parties and bars to induce male victims to have sex with them. Police efforts to interdict the drug have largely been ineffectual, and it's readily available on almost every street corner.
It goes by a variety of street names–”beer”, “suds”, “brewski”–but the active ingredient in all of them is “ethyl alcohol”.
All women have to do is buy a “beer” or two for almost any guy and then simply ask the guy home for no-strings-attached sex. Men are rendered literally helpless against such tactics. Some men are so sensitive to the drug's effects, that actual consumption is not required.
Please forward this to everyone you know immediately! This alert has been brought to you courtesty of Snopes.com.
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