Reverse Robin Hood
Sickening…first steel subsidies, and farm support, now this. Bush's economic policies are terrible…
The New York Times
September 1, 2002
A Guardian of Jobs or a 'Reverse Robin Hood'?
WASHINGTON — It is hard to imagine why Thaksin Shinawatra, a billionaire
who is Thailand's prime minister, would need a helping hand from the United
States government for his family business, an Asian telecommunications
giant called the Shin Corporation.
The Shin business empire, which Mr. Shinawatra founded and is still
majority owned by his family, spreads from India to Indochina. It is
Thailand's largest telecommunications company. But last May, to the
consternation of competitors, Shin Satellite, a subsidiary, won a $160
million loan guarantee from the Export-Import Bank of the United States to
buy a new telecommunications satellite and strengthen its grip in Southeast
For the bank, a Depression-era agency founded to promote exports, the
rationale was simple. Loral Space and Communications, an American
manufacturer run by Bernard L. Schwartz, a longtime Democratic Party donor,
was Shin's supplier, and commercial banks, according to the bank, would not
finance the deal without the loan guarantee.
Crying foul, Shin Satellite's competitors tried to block the deal in
Congress. “How is it that billionaires like Shinawatra and Bernie Schwartz
can get the U.S. taxpayers to subsidize their deals?” asked Franklin G.
Polk, a lobbyist for New Skies Satellites, a rival based in the Netherlands
that, like other companies, was able to get private financing, but not at
the rates as low as Shin's government-backed loans.
How indeed?
At a time when the Bush administration says it wants to cut back on
corporate welfare, the Export-Import bank, often called a “reverse Robin
Hood” for taking money from American taxpayers and giving it to wealthy
corporations, is growing. In June, while the public was focused on
corporate scandals, President Bush quietly signed legislation to double the
scope of the bank's operations and allow it to provide up to $100 billion
in international trade assistance at any one time.
Even before this increase, Export-Import was already by far the largest
federal agency providing international credit aid, outpacing international
food and disaster aid programs. The bank has long expanded beyond its
initial mission of aiding American exporters when times were tough. And a
growing chorus of critics – from free traders on the right to trade
unionists on the left – say the bank has become a tool for an elite group
of politically well-connected corporations to get sweetheart deals and
cheap financing courtesy of American taxpayers.
“We already regard Ex-Im as the poster boy for the anti-corporate-welfare
movement,” said Stephen Moore, an analyst at the Cato Institute, a
Washington research group that promotes free trade. “It's a huge amount of
money that goes to the wealthiest corporations. There is no rationale for
the government to be involved in this.”
In fact, Export-Import policies in recent years have had the perverse
effect of sending American jobs, rather than goods and services, overseas.
There was, for example, the case of a Chinese steel mill, the Benxi Iron
and Steel Group, that received an $18 million Export-Import backed loan in
December 2000 to buy American-made equipment only to be found a year later
to be dumping steel into American markets and slapped with a 90 percent
antidumping tariff. In that year, steel companies in the United States laid
off 30,000 workers and more than 20 of the companies filed for bankruptcy.
More fundamentally, there are questions about why the bank exists at all.
Less than 1 percent of all American exports receive Export-Import
financing, which comes in the form of direct loans, loan guarantees or
export credit insurance. The bulk of Export-Import's benefits go to a small
number of large companies that are sophisticated enough to get financing on
their own: Boeing, Halliburton, General Electric, Northrop Grumman, Lucent
Technologies, ChevronTexaco, Caterpillar and Dell Computer, among others.
“This is naked corporate welfare,” said Representative Ron Paul, a Texas
Republican and one of a handful of Congressional critics. “It never ceases
to amaze me how members of Congress who criticize welfare for the poor on
moral and constitutional grounds see no problem with the even more
objectionable programs that provide welfare for the rich.”
But there is a clear reason the bank thrives, no matter who occupies the
White House or the top jobs in Congress. While the bank cannot lobby for
itself, its beneficiaries can.
“You have an incredibly well-funded lobbying operation led by companies
that are not only campaign contributors but also talk about creating jobs,”
said Thomas A. Schatz, president of Citizens Against Government Waste, a
public interest group. “That's a big rallying cry for members of Congress.
They think that jobs will help them get re-elected, and once you say that
jobs are at risk in their district, they go running for cover.”
Money has always flowed from the bank to the politically savvy. In its
heyday, Enron was one of the bank's biggest beneficiaries, receiving a
total of $675 million in aid since 1994. Enron's former chairman, Kenneth
L. Lay, was one of the bank's most active supporters, buttonholing
politicians on all levels of government on its behalf, including George W.
Bush when he was governor of Texas, according to memos and letters in the
Texas State Library and Archives Commission. (The Justice Department is
investigating Enron's dealings with all federal agencies, including the
Export-Import bank.)
These days, blue-chip companies have even formed a trade association, the
Coalition for Employment Through Exports, whose sole job is to protect the
bank from budget cutters. Members include Washington lobbying powerhouses
like the United States Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of
Manufacturers and companies like United Parcel Service, Verizon
Communications, United Technologies, Bechtel, Oracle, Citigroup and Bank of
“We have a highly organized set of trade associations and, through them, a
large number of companies that depend on Ex-Im,” said Edmund B. Rice,
president of the coalition. “We use the resources of our members to help
make our case and apply that clout to the administration and members of
Not only are these companies major campaign contributors to members of
Congress, they often are leading employers in many Congressional districts,
not shy about dispatching top executives or plant managers to plead the
bank's case on Capitol Hill. Export-Import works hand-in-glove with these
lobbyists, giving them the ammunition they need.
The bank keeps an extensive data bank that breaks down all the deals it has
done, Congressional district by Congressional district, subcontractor by
subcontractor, and contains the names of 300,000 executives with whom it
has met. From it, a lobbyist can get tailor-made information on
Export-Import activities going back five years to make the bank's case.
“In administration after administration, Export-Import was always on the
top of the list to get cut,” said Mr. Moore at Cato. But he added that such
efforts “have never succeeded because of the full-court lobbying blitz by
Fortune 500 companies.”
“We've never succeeded in pulling the plug on it,” he said.
Rather, the bank is so flush that it has begun to spend some of its vast
resources on industries that may not appear to need help.
For instance, the bank recently started a program to support one of the
nation's strongest exporters, the film industry. Among the first four
independent films to receive Export-Import loan guarantees is a story of
troubled youth called `The United States of Leland,' produced by and
starring Kevin Spacey, the Oscar-winning actor. Other films with
Export-Import backing are about a lethal virus, a military project gone
awry and a reality show.
A bank news release says the film project is to “promote more U.S.-based
film production and preserve entertainment jobs in the United States.” That
said, only 51 percent of the film's budget needs to be spent on American
goods and services, which can include the salaries of American stars. Nor
is there a requirement that the films be shot in the United States,
although these four will be.
“I've never met a government agency so willing to be helpful,” said Lewis
Horwitz, a financial backer of independent films who is getting
Export-Import aid for four films.
The bank's own experience, surviving so many attempts on its life, could
make a movie script.
When Mr. Bush took office, his administration called for a 25 percent cut
in the bank's budget as part of an effort “to reduce subsidies that
primarily benefit corporations rather than individuals,” according to a
White House statement on the 2002 budget. But Mr. Bush has now endorsed a
five-year expansion plan that will increase the total value of the loans
the bank can guarantee to $100 billion from the $56 billion currently
The increase breezed through Congress. When the Bush administration first
tried to cut the program, 31 senators, including top Republicans, sent a
letter to the president opposing his action. The legislation to expand
Export-Import's reach passed the House, on a vote of 344 to 78, and was
approved by unanimous consent in the Senate.
“We said to Congress, `This is what we need,' ” said Eduardo Aguirre, a
former Bank of America executive in Texas and the bank's vice chairman.
“And they said `O.K.' “
Facing political reality, Mr. Bush has joined the chorus singing the bank's
praises. An administration spokesman said a new policy, allowing the bank
to guarantee more loans against fewer reserves, and thus requiring less
government money while increasing risk, had earned it points in the White
During a meeting in May with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Mr.
Bush actually promoted the bank as the way to finance a $2.9 billion
Caspian Sea pipeline that the two leaders favor. While nothing official has
been announced, the companies involved in this project are BP, Exxon Mobil
and ChevronTexaco.
Commercial banks, meanwhile, love Export-Import loan guarantees because
they turn corporate loans for business in risky places into risk-free
loans. If a corporate borrower halts payments on an Export-Import backed
loan, the federal government must step in and pay it off. The bank claims a
default rate of less than 2 percent.
American exporters love it even more. With an Export-Import loan guarantee,
they can borrow money from banks at lower rates and more favorable terms
than usual. And if they get into a jam overseas, the Export-Import bank can
be a powerful ally. “You've got the full weight of our U.S. embassy, our
ambassador, the Treasury Department here and overseas, the State
Department, all coming in,” said Mr. Rice at the export coalition. On the
other hand, small businesses, which often need the help more than large
companies, get short shrift from the bank, despite Congressional pressure
to change that practice. Only 18 percent of the bank's financing last year
went to small business, down from 21 percent in 1998.
Moreover, in its eagerness, the Export-Import bank rarely if ever analyzes
the larger economic impact of its programs and its executives acknowledge
that they cannot determine exactly how many jobs – if any – have been
created or saved by its financing. Last week, environmentalist groups sued
the bank, seeking to force it to consider potential global-warming effects
of projects it backs.
Yet Export-Import officials, having heard it all before, bat it away.
“People who say it's corporate welfare do not understand Ex-Im,” Mr.
Aguirre said. “Our mission is jobs. Jobs to support exports. Well-paying
jobs. What they say is corporate welfare I say is sustaining jobs. We are
here to finance exports that would not take place without Ex-Im financing.
Tell that to the people who would not have jobs without us.”
By far the biggest user of the bank's financing is Boeing, which last year
received $2.5 billion in loan guarantees, more than one-quarter of the
bank's $9.2 billion in transaction volume. This aid helped win aircraft
sales for Boeing to China, Austria, Ireland, South Korea, Turkey and Chile
that otherwise might have gone to rival Airbus. Some even call the bank
“the Bank of Boeing.”
Cheryl Russell, director for federal affairs at Boeing, said: “These deals
might not have gone forward without Ex-Im. We are the largest exporter of
manufactured goods in the U.S., so it is logical that we are the No. 1 user
of the bank. Our overseas sales are growing at a much faster rate than our
U.S. sales. That makes Ex-Im even more important to us in the future.”
Some Boeing workers have a different view.
Workers at the company's plant in Wichita, Kan., fume about the seepage of
their jobs, particularly work involving tail sections, to manufacturers in
China under deals backed by the Export-Import Bank. In the last two years,
the bank has provided $791.5 million in aid to help Boeing sell planes to
Chinese airlines in deals that often require some parts of the planes to be
built in China.
“Why in the world would you permit the use of taxpayer money to finance
deals that drain our national industrial and skill base?” said Matt Bates,
a spokesman for the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace
Workers, which represents Boeing workers.
“There were huge scandals in this country 25 years ago when aircraft
executives were found to be sealing deals by handing over briefcases of
money,” he added. “That's been outlawed. Yet it is perfectly legal for
companies to seal aircraft deals by agreeing to transfer tens of thousands
of highly skilled jobs to other countries with taxpayer money.”
Boeing says such offshore manufacturing arrangements are an inevitable cost
of doing business.
“As with most large international companies with extensive overseas sales,
foreign buyers expect to have a certain amount of manufacturing work that
accompanies the sale,” Ms. Russell said.
Perhaps no recent single transaction causes as much furor as the $18
million China steel deal. The bank provided the loan guarantees over
vigorous protests from the steel industry and unions.
“Why are they pouring money into other countries to build additional steel
capacity?” asked George Becker, a former president of the United
Steelworkers of America, who has testified about the bank before Congress.
“This isn't trade. It's dismantling our manufacturing base and robbing our
workers of their right to earn a living.”
Terrence D. Straub, a lobbyist for United States Steel and a member of the
Export-Import bank advisory board, said: “The China steel deal really
reflected an arrogance by the lending officials at Ex-Im. All the red flags
were there, and they were waved vigorously. The deal did not make sense.”
That aid package prompted insertion of a provision in the Export-Import
bill signed by President Bush to prevent similar deals from happening again
and led to legislation that cut $18 million from Export-Import budget.
But the same issue has come up again. Last month, after protests from the
Ohio and Pennsylvania Congressional delegations and the steel industry, the
bank announced that it was dropping plans to provide $19 million in loan
guarantees for a Turkish steel company to buy American-made equipment.
“We pounded on this one like hell,” said Gary Hubbard, a spokesman for the
United Steelworkers of America.
Still, the bank is considering a $35 million financing to a Mexican company
for the purchase of American-made equipment that would increase its
automotive crankshaft production by 700,000 units a year; the crankshafts
would then be exported to the United States, where American auto workers do
the same job, but for higher wages.
The bank is also deciding on a $14 million loan guarantee to an American
company, which it would not identify, so that a Mexican company, which it
also would not identify, can increase output of aluminum engine blocks by
550,000 units a year – with the output to be shipped to the United States.
Bank officials declined to say whether these projects would cause a loss in
American automaking jobs.
“Is this the best way to create U.S. jobs?” asked Representative Bernard
Sanders, the Vermont independent and one of the few Congressional critics.
“Absolutely not. Export-Import is generous with taxpayer dollars and we get
nothing in return. It's vulgar. At a time when we are having a real crisis
in this country and are losing jobs, Ex-Im is sending them overseas. Yet
these are the most important corporations in the United States and they get
what they want in Washington.”
In the debate over the recent Export-Import legislation, an attempt by
Representatives Sanders and Paul to deny aid to American companies shifting
jobs overseas failed on a vote of 283 to 135.
It's no accident that the votes are so lopsided.
“As a staff member for a congressman, you can call up Ex-Im and say, `My
congressman represents District 13 in the state of whatever,' ” said a
Treasury official. “They will spit out a report saying, `Here are the
businesses by name in your district that receive Ex-Im help.' The bank is
politically savvy. It's active in promoting its products in each
Congressional district.”
The bank also knows how to make individual legislators look good before
voters. One of its biggest outreach efforts is seminars throughout the
country, about one a week, that bring together local executives and
Export-Import officials to promote its programs. Whom does it also invite,
to show voters the benefits that Washington brings to Main Street? Each
district's local Congressional delegation, which can take credit for what
Export-Import has done.
– —————– R. A. Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA “… however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience.” — Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'