I'm planning to go to this:
May 2, 2002)
Individualist feminist author WENDY McELROY (research fellow, The
Independent Institute; columnist, FoxNews.com) will discuss her new
Independent Institute book, LIBERTY FOR WOMEN: Freedom and Feminism
in the Twenty-First Century
(http://www.independent.org/tii/catalog/cat_LFW.html), at an
Independent Policy Forum, co-sponsored by the Commonwealth Club and
Charter 100, at the World Trade Club in San Francisco on Thursday,
May 2.
Ms. McElroy has pioneered the chronicling and defining of
individualist feminism through her numerous books and essays, which
span the history and current issue of women's issues. LIBERTY FOR
WOMEN offers a vision of contemporary feminism that asserts the
rights of consenting adults to their own sexuality, opposes
censorship, and defends every woman's right to self-defense. This new
vision supports unhindered expressions of individual choice in
economic well-being and employment, sex and abortion, the family,
technology, and much more. “Choice” is the key, and every woman's
choices and expressions of self-ownership must be equally and legally
respected, from housewives to CEOs. In so doing, McElroy will also
argue that every woman's choices and expressions of self-ownership
must be equally and legally protected.
WENDY McELROY* (Research Fellow at The Independent Institute;
columnist, FoxNews.com; editor, LIBERTY FOR WOMEN: Freedom and
Feminism in the Twenty-First Century)
Thursday, May 2, 2002
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Program 6:30 p.m.
Dinner (optional) 7:30 p.m.
World Trade Club
1 Ferry Plaza (off Embarcadero),
San Francisco, CA
For a map and directions, see
TICKETS: $32 per person (program and dinner). $9 (program without dinner).
To purchase tickets, please contact:
The Commonwealth Club
595 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 415-597-6700
Fax: 415-597-6729
Email: [email protected]
*WENDY McELROY is a Research Fellow at The Independent Institute. Her
other books include Freedom, Feminism and the State; Sexual
Correctness; The Reasonable Woman: A Guide to Intellectual Survival;
Dissenting Electorate: Those Who Refuse to Vote and the Legitimacy of
Their Opposition; Freedom, Feminism, and the State; Queen Silver; and
Liberty 1881-1908: A Comprehensive Index. Ms. McElroy was Series
Editor for Knowledge Products' popular audio-tape series, The World
of Philosophy, The World's Political Hot Spots, The United States at
War, andThe United States Constitution, and she authored the scripts
for Vindication of the Rights of Woman, The Liberator, Civil
Disobedience, and Discourse on Voluntary Servitude in the Audio
Classics Series. A weekly columnist for FOX News.com, she is a
contributing editor to several periodicals, the author of numerous
articles in various magazines and scholarly journals, and the editor
of the popular feminism site, ifeminists.com.
Acclaim for LIBERTY FOR WOMEN: Freedom and Feminism in the
Twenty-First Century, edited by Wendy McElroy:
“This provocative book powerfully demonstrates that feminism is
neither monolithic nor homogeneous. The interesting and thoughtful
opinions represented here deserve broad dissemination. I hope LIBERTY
FOR WOMEN becomes a must-read in every women's studies program in
America, and for anyone who is interested in issues of equality and
sexual politics.”
– CHRISTIE HEFNER, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Playboy
Enterprises, Inc.
“Mainstream feminism long ago ran into a variety of false trails and
blind alleys . . . . LIBERTY FOR WOMEN offers just the sort of
intellectual barbs so sorely needed to jolt a near corpse back into
– ALEXANDER COCKBURN, columnist, The Nation and Los Angeles Times
“LIBERTY FOR WOMEN is likely to provoke both left-wing feminists and
right-wing traditionalists. It is lively and provocative and adds
immensely to the debate on the role of women in contemporary life.”
– LINDA L. CHAVEZ, President, Center for Equal Opportunity, and
former Director, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
“There is an unwritten rule among many feminists: Only women on the
political left have the right to interpret the lives of women. This
unique and important, new book breaks that rule and provides an
excellent forum for civil libertarian thinkers. LIBERTY FOR WOMEN is
a matchless book on the most important issues facing women now and in
the future.”
– CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise
Institute; author, Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women
“LIBERTY FOR WOMEN is a marvelous, incisive, and much-needed book
demonstrating that unorthodox feminists are alive and well outside
the rigid confines of women's studies programs. This intelligent and
challenging book has an important role to play in both classroom and
public policy discussions.”
– DAPHNE PATAI, Professor, University of Massachusetts; author,
Professing Feminism, Women's Words : The Feminist Practice of Oral
History, Brazilian Women Speak: Contemporary Life Stories, and
Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism
“The divisions between libertarian and liberal feminists are not neat
or especially consistent (the ideological divides are more readily
summarized). Some women champion free markets but not free speech.
Some (like me) favor free speech but not free markets. Some, from
both camps, want to decriminalize prostitution, while others believe
in prohibiting it. Differences like these — the complexities of
women's lib — invigorate this important book, LIBERTY FOR WOMEN. Few
feminists will agree with every contribution to it; the contributors
probably disagree fairly often with each other. But they share a love
of liberty that the feminist movement should have the courage to
– WENDY KAMINER, Senior Editor, The American Prospect; Contributing
Editor, The Atlantic Monthly; commentator, National Public Radio
“LIBERTY FOR WOMEN is a superb and stunning assemblage of clear-eyed
feminist thinkers. They have staked out the intellectual free-center
that clears an avenue between the radical authoritarians of the far
left who want to regiment a collectivist conformity and those of the
far right who aim to impose a rigid 1950's consciousness.”
– SALLY SATEL, W. H. Brady Fellow, American Enterprise Institute;
author, PC, M.D.: How Political Correctness Is Corrupting Medicine
“LIBERTY FOR WOMEN shows how feminism has evolved from simplistic
ideological doctrine to a more relevant and sophisticated analysis of
the choices open to women at the dawn of the 21st century. Leading
intellectuals offer cogent insights about major issues of concern to
women. The volume can also be a useful guideline for women facing
similar issues in other countries. I strongly recommend the book to
everyone who is interested in a more fundamental approach to
– GUITY NASHAT, Professor of History, University of Illinois at
Chicago; author, Women in the Middle East: Restoring Women to
History, Middle Eastern History, and The Economics of Life: How
Real-World Issues Affect Our Everyday Lives (with Gary Becker)
For more about this event, see
For more about LIBERTY FOR WOMEN, see